Today I am motivated by an email sent to me by a friend who is a doctor.  I cannot imagine how stressful a job this could be at times and now she is transitioning out of that work in a hospital and going to a university.  I am not certain what she will be doing there.  She is a young woman who is originally from India and she is a lovely spirit.  In the email she talked about the stress of announcing her departure to her "boss" and how poorly he reacted to her decision to leave.  She mentioned how hard it has been for her to make time for her husband and that although my invitation to go out dancing "sounded fun" she would be passing on it.  Frankly, I was uncertain as to why yet it all sounded so familiar to me.

Something about all the twists and turns in her life reminded me of how important it is for me to not get caught up in the story and to just live life with some amount of joy, making time for what matters, like going out dancing and calling my grandkids.  Something about that email triggered some feelings of urgency in me around making the time to be with the people I love and carving out the time needed to find my inner peace and my inner source.  It made me feel grateful that I don't have a job where I feel diminished by a "boss" like the ones I had in the past.  It made me think about how fortunate I am in general that I am not struggling to find time to be with my husband and to get in touch with his heart as often as possible.  For her to say that she could not carve out three hours to dance after talking about the great red dress she bought to someday dance in produced a certain level of sadness in me.  All I could think about was: When will she make time to eat?

I cannot help but to think about the many people in my life who have responded with, "I don't have time" to an invitation to go out, an invitation to self-nurture or an invitation to receive some joyful experience for a couple of hours.  It amazes me but does not necessarily surprise me any more.  People don't make the time to release, center, nurture, love, laugh or exercise when they need to.  Instead they allow the daily drug of life suck them up of their chance to play.  They truly believe that their job is at the core of who they are and if they don't attend to that aspect of their lives they will be doomed.  My response is this one. You don't have time not to make time.  Life is short and if you are not decisive about making time to live it up something will happen that will force you to make time or at minimum get us to realise that we must make the time.  Like our husbands walking out the door or our children drinking themselves to death.  It may even be you doing something drastic because all this time you thought you did not have time for you.

This email was an eye opener for me.  I was tempted to pick up the phone, call my beloved friend and say something like: "you mean to tell me you don't have three hours to feel some joy and you are trying to make time for (of all people) your husband?"  "Don't you live with him?" What I know is that I cannot change anyone else and that the message was not really meant for me to respond but to ponder my own lies about not having time for this or for that.  What I know is that I have to make time for the things that will nurture me, honour me and the people I love.  What I think is that like many people my friend is keeping herself busy.  She is using her time in a way that sounds like an obligation to work and not an obligation to life and living.

What are you doing with your time and energy, mostly?
When can you make the time for the things you believe you just don't have time for?
What are you willing to let go of so that you can pick up the joyful pieces of your life?
Is it really that you don't have the time or something else? What is the something else?
Take twenty minutes to be with yourself and think, write, pray, ponder the aspects of your life and those things that need your attention:
Write an affirmation about time as it relates to your divine plan in life like:
I am making the time to enjoy moments of laughter and joy.


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