After Surgery

As some of you know on Friday I opted to have the colon surgery and I am now a new machine with a bag on the side of my waist called a colonoscopy. I thought long and hard about this decision and each day was a true test of my endurance and possibly of my faith.  As I pondered this decision I could feel my tumour growing and getting more pronounced.  The message started to be clearer to me and that was that I was so do something soon.  I felt each day as though someone was holding me up by my neck with my back up against the wall.  It was an awful and desperate feeling.  And so I will spare you all the ugly details, the pain I have survived and the emotional quest as well.  For now to many details are likely too painful for me to repeat.

I still remain of the belief that the surgery was short of barbaric but unfortunately it is what was available to me and in the end I did it.  I cannot go back now and retrieve that parts that were cut out of me and disposed of.  I cannot reverse the surgery ever and the only thing left is to embrace who I am now and the fact that I am missing some parts that needed to come out.  I can only accept that fact and move into a place of newness and of a new type of wholeness.  I refuse to consider myself damaged although some would say that I am and I am OK with that.  For many of us not having every single original part of our bodies is reason to believe we are damaged.  But then I have been damaged in other ways and to this day I am still in the process of dealing with that damage and accepting my reality.

As an abused child I fought long and hard to survive in every way I could figure out.  I would sometimes go to my fantasy world and pretend I was someone else.  I sought relief in negative and positive ways, sometimes damaging myself further because I just did not think I was worthy of anything else.  Because of my history it would be easy for me to go there now.  I have decided that this will not be the case and that in fact I will strive for the latter.  I will strive to move myself to believing that I am worthy and that the old story is a lie.  I chose not to believe it anymore and to my own highest good I believe I could do something to heal myself of my current health and emotional challenge.

It is true that I am now not the completely physical being I was.  It is true that some cancer was cut out of me.  It is true that I am never going to be exactly as I was.  It is true that I have taken a left turn and it is also true that I will be challenged in a particular manner the rest of my life.  It is true that I am going go need to be healed and it may be true that I will not be completely healed.  But the truth is also that I am whole as I am and more complete than the man who is paralysed who cannot walk on his own.  It is also true that I am no better than that man or the one with the metal legs who became a marathon runner and a champion in his own right.  I Elliott Collazo will be all that I suppose to be at this time.  I will be all that I can be at this time.  I will be more of the other parts of me than before and I will become more balanced and more whole.  I will detach from my body parts that were taken from me and I will mourn those parts and move on.  I Elliott Collazo, now almost sixty years of age will continue to be all that I can possibly be and more.  I will strive to become all that I can be and all that God intends me to be.  I will enjoy and savour each moment and cry when I need to cry.  I will weep not just for myself and my own situation but for everyone's struggle because my struggle is not just mine and yours is not just yours.


  1. Elliott, you're an amazing man. I know you will get through this hard time. Keeping you in my prayers, Love you xoxo.

  2. Elliott, I send you another message but not sure if it was lost or not. Under the box it says comment as: What is the correct entry there? Thanks, Carla

  3. Ok. That apparently worked so I will try again. Thank God you opted to do the surgery. I know it was necessary for you to survive, but I can imagine how hard it was to go through with it. I am sure I would have similar feelings about it. I hope your pain leaves you soon, and that you will be feeling almost as good as new, soon. I will keep praying for you. Love ya, Kiddo. Carla


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