Do You Have The Lonely Sickness?

It seems like being single and alone is like a bad illness to some.  For many people, some that I can mention by name but won't, being alone is very scary.  For some being alone in their thoughts is like torture and they make it a point to be out and about all the time, sometimes using alcohol and other methods of stuffing down their feelings.  I believe that being alone can be magical and that there are times when we should spend some time alone, whether you are single or married is irrelevant.

You know you have the lonely poor me sickness as I call it if being alone makes you anxious, depressed, upset or angry.  In fact if you are the type of person who dislikes being alone and avoids it then you have the "lonely sickness".  When we fill our calendar up with events one atop the other we know that we are avoiding something and that something is our thoughts and those thoughts rise up when we are alone.

One of the lovely people I know once said to me, after I asked her about her busy social schedule, "I would stay home if I had a house like yours".  I thought about this for a moment and realized that she had a very good point which brings me to the list of ways that we can create a joyful time alone without having to look outside ourselves and by creating a place where we can feel joy, serenity, and even be able to dance alone in our safe and sacred place.

Here are some things you can do to get rid of the "lonely sickness":

1. Create a home that is comfortable, clean, beautiful and that represents what you feel you are deserving of.  Take the time and spend the money to make it a place where there are artifacts in it that you love, enjoy, cherish and use.  Set up your home in an  organized way whereby you can find things easily.  Create spaces that are super comfortable and make sure to make your bedroom a sacred and safe zone.  Make sure that the seating in your home is conversation ready.  Always have a ritual that you follow and maybe a book to read or a coloring book to play with.  Have things in your home you can enjoy by yourself.

2. Make spaces in your home for pampering, for reading, for praying and other things that have meaning to you.  For some it is an art space where they create art or a sewing room that is used just to sew and make beautiful things inside of.  Candles can be a magical part of creating a space where you love yourself in.

3. Fill your home with music in accordance with how you are feeling or the time of day.  You may want to play some piano music while you have dinner that you made yourself.  You may later play some samba music while you sit outside on your deck and take in some sun.  Music is very healing and can be a great cure for he loneliness you falsely believe you are feeling.

4. Go it alone.  Go the dinner alone.  Go to the movies and take in a feel good movie.  Take a trip to Mexico or Florida by yourself and test your social skills by talking to people along your way.  Do things by yourself that are enjoyable or relaxing.  Take a bike ride or walk to the beach and sit in the sun.  The more things you do alone the less you will depend on others to have fun.  After all you know what you like to do and the things that really make you feel good.  Be willing to do these things on your own.

5. Focus on doing self-loving, self-healing, creative work.  Do things that are about helping yourself become the most you can be and living at your very highest vibration.  Read wonderful books that are written to lift your spirit.  Write magical and funny stories.  Get the support you need by joining a support group aligned with what you deem is an issue you are ready to address.  Become a volunteer at a senior home or a shelter.  Giving to others and serving mankind can be the out joyful thing we can do as human beings.  Take an art class or join a dance group.  The more you initiate that is related to your well being the more you will understand that being alone does not have to be a sickness or a burden.

There you have it.  Enjoy your self and look deep inside for the magical wonderful person that you are.


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