Trump Feeds The Sick

Although our future presidents have at times inspired love and compassion for mankind Trump does not fall into this category of men.  In fact what Trump has inspired are the white supremacists and the KKK to act out even more overtly, both of whom have supported him and God knows voted for the first time in a long time.  The people in their country who are racists and bigots came running out of the closet in support of a man who covertly and sometimes openly made statements that were sexist, racist and just plain fucking stupid.  The next four years will be a challenge for people of color, women and those we call illegal immigrants.  The next four years will be our teacher and we will learn a lesson well needed because someone like Trump should have been disqualified to run for president based on his illegal and rude antics.  Maybe after this we will develop a criteria for running for the highest office in the USA.  Maybe now we will understand the importance of keeping criminals like Trump at bay and doing his crimes where we cannot see him or where he at least does not have so much power.

Trump has fed the sick behaviors of the men and women who were already prepared to express their hate.  The white supremest who falsely appear to be intellectual or smart using big words to impress someone, anyone, not me, are out and ready to attack.  The KKK is elated and celebrated Trump's victory by showing us all that they are still alive, well and prepared to share their unique brand of hate and fear.  Yet taking that all aside we must not allow Trump's trailer park fans intimidate us.  We must monitor this president as closely as ever and ensure that he does nothing that will place us in danger via his big ego and little dick.  We have to now become citizens and demand that what is not for us will not be on his agenda and not allow him to simply rule the country like some dictator.  After all to begin with he is highly unqualified.  He really has not business running our country to begin with.  In fact if he were hiring one of us we would have to be overqualified and he would think that we would feel privileged to be his employee, especially if we are a female.

Trump will feed the already sick people in our society and has gotten them to rally behind them.  We have to keep in mind that these sick mother fuckers were there waiting for their one chance and he is that chance.  He will continue to feed the sick monsters and not only will he do it he will then deny any part in it.  Like a serial asshole Trump is going to indirectly and maybe secretly facilitate some ugly behaviors on the part of racist people called "white supremest".  In fact we will see the day when we understand fully that racism is alive and well and that now is the time to stop it, put it to an end and remind these crazy sick folks that this country has fought long and hard for people of color, women's rights and for everyone to be who they are.  Now my friends is the time to show your displeasure and to rally in Washington when Trump begins the game only he knows so well.  Wake up America because now is the time.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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