Love Your Life Now

The only way to love you life is to live it with intent.  Not having any intention will often times be replaced with some negative intention or in someone else setting it for you.  What you get from others as your plan in life will likely not be a good fit for you, even if you think them to be people who love you.  Your life is your own.  Consider this food for thought related to creating love in your life now:

Be in acceptance: Be accepting of where you are at.  This includes your job, your curves, your hair, your home, your children, your partner, your car, your friends, and life as it is right now.  Don't delay being happy, being successful, being content when...  When we do this we negate all the beauty that we are in this moment and on this day.

Live fully: Live your life as if this is the last day every day.  Live with the fullness of joy as if you don't have a care in the world.  At the very least do your very best to enjoy your life fully by saying and doing all that you can to stay positive and connected to source.  There is not secret to living fully nor does it cost anything.  This is just a myth.

Keep moving: Absolutely refuse to stay still.  Take the time to relax but by no means become stagnant and still for too too long.  As the ad says: "a body in motion".  If you stay in motion you will stimulate your body, spirit and mind and enjoy life now.  Never allow anyone or anything to get in the way of moving around and remember this: People who are disabled swim, dance, play sports, work productive jobs, laughs and smile.  They are the ones who we may like to take a look at as an example of those who won't allow anything to hold them back.

Live intentionally: Intention is all around us in the form of nature and all of it's creatures.  We are part of that intention that God decided to create and we must take responsibility for our life and live it with intentions: the intention to love, the intention to give, the intention to communicate honesty and the intention to live a life that is glorious.  You only have to have the intention first and foremost.

Be in a loving energy: Loving our life means that we must decide to be in a loving place in everything we do and say.  We must be willing to "be impeccable with our word" and use loving language towards our selves and towards others.  Loving energy can only add up to more loving energy.  The more we are willing to be in a loving space the more love we will attract.  The next time that you are in line ask the person behind you: "how has your day been so far?.  So many times you will get a positive response and even if you don't share your joy with that person.  Do what I did today when the lady behind me said hello and cease that moment to become a loving agent.

Always understand that when times are tough often times "love will save the day."


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