On Being Alone

Being alone is underrated in every way.  In fact I think being alone is almost always a wonderful experience and being in our own company is truly the best company to be in.  When we understand fully how joyful it can be to be in our own space and do our own thing we evolve into a person who no longer needs others to be happy and to enjoy life's pleasures.  Although we are often times made to believe that being with someone is essential to our joy, it's simply a myth we have unfortunately bought into.  The reality is that being alone can be just as fulfilling a life as being with someone and in fact often times better.  Being in a relationship is not for everyone and not everyone should be in a relationship.  When we understand that fully we begin to live a whole new life filled with adventure and surprise.

Relationship is not for everyone and the fact is that relationships can often times hold us hostage.  Many times relationships are overbearing and we find ourselves in a routine that is both difficult and not fun.  Although relationships work for some people it is likely that most relationships are co-dependent and people stay in them for all the wrong reasons: financial support, children, habit, neediness, fear, and the belief that we cannot make it without that person.  The evidence that relationships are not for everyone is the staggering amount of ones that end.  Most relationships simply don't work out and many times end brutally and sadly.

When we look at the statistics on relationships we will find that there may very well be a need for advocating being alone and single.  The fact that there is so much abuse in relationships and so much need versus want tells us that being alone is a great option.  Yet we don't hear this too often and in fact hear the opposite about being alone.  People even question why someone is single and often times make suggestions to single folks on how to meet someone.  Why can't we be OK with being happy and single?  Well, to start the negative messages are out there and being expressed loudly.  People cave in to this idea that they will find happiness by being in relationship.  It's just a lie we have bought into and in the end detrimental to some of us and only serves to kill our spirit.

Today I invited a friend to a Holiday event at a local theater.  She turned me down and after she did I thought about it and figured out that it was a blessing.  I love going to things alone and the main reason I do is that I enjoy it more without worrying about what someone else is feeling, whether they are enjoying it or if they will later want something I don't want.  It occurred to me that I love being alone a lot and that the reason I do is because I like my company.  I have created a life that is full and happy without anyone around to disturb it or want to alter it.  Although it is sometimes nice to be with someone it is just not something I need in order to be lifted and enjoy every moment of my life.  I literally don't mind being alone and more often than not cherish those times to myself.

This is what I think.  If you are single and alone count your blessings.  Given the facts being in relationship is not what it is sold to be.  Learn to be our own best company and do things on your own.  In fact learn to get dressed up and go the the theater or out to dinner.  Buy yourself those flowers you yearn to have on your nightstand.  Don't wait for anyone to invite you anywhere, invite yourself out.  See the beauty that you are and celebrate it every day.  Live good and dance as often as possible.  After all, we have one life and we must consider every minute as valuable.  We do not have to be with someone to live a full life.  In fact we can live a magical life alone.  Live your life fearlessly and whole.  It's your life, the best life, the only life, you have.  Take it by the reigns and live it to the hilt.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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