Your Fears and TV

Have you ever noticed that commercials on TV are all about instilling fear and about making us feel insecure and not good enough?  Well, in case you have not acknowledged it advertisements are based on fear and insecurity.  Recently a company selling home security begins it's ad with something to the effect of:  It's the season when robberies are on the rise and how you have a new computer that they are waiting to rob you of and other valuable gifts.  This company plays on your fears based on A: it's the season for robbery and B: you have a lot of things in your home during this time that robbers know you have hence they are coming to take it.  When it is not fear based it's insecurity based ads that let us clearly know that our teeth are not white enough, we are overweight and our hair probably has dandruff.  It is ridiculous and plays on our unconscious mind in hope that we will buy a product that will make us be right and be beautiful all at once.  All of it really boils down to one big lie, made up so that we will buy a product that often times does not work and does not produce the results we are looking for, like a safer area with low crime versus an alarm for our home that won't stop crime from happening.  There is in fact no warranty that we won't get robbed even if we have an alarm and that our teeth are not going to be white because that is simply not the norm.

The more we listen to the lies that are fed to us the more we believe deep inside that there is something wrong with us.  We may never need a dandruff shampoo if we look up the organic method of keeping our scalp moist so that it does not get dry and if we stop using shampoos that dry our scalp.  The more we figure out how to clean our home without the harsh chemicals the better off we will be and our health will improve all at the same time.  There are really very little products out there that do anything that we absolutely have to have all the time every day.  In fact most of them are a waste of our money and time.  We must start to see the trickery of ads and the people who develop them.  We must like ourselves enough not to believe that we have so many flaws to fix and in fact see ourselves as whole just as we are.  We must stop allowing strangers to think for us and to feed us this garbage.  When we begin to see the falsity of it we will live a joyful or at least a more joyous life.  IT is not a product that will make us beautiful, happy or whole but rather our own self loving work and compassion.  It is not some product that is going to fix us but rather the fact that we live in integrity and honor our needs.

We will continue to see ads that are geared at fear.  We will continue to be subjected to the stupidity of ads that act as though they know we have an issue and they can make it go away.  What will change in us one fine day will be our reaction to these false ads.  We will one day see that it is outrageous and stupid to believe that a product is going to bring us joy, safety or cure us of our own self hate.  We will then know that self hate comes from a lack of love and a lack of compassion for ourselves and address that issue rather than to buy a cream that claims to take away our wrinkles.  We will see a day when ads will be more honest or maybe even disappear entirely because they no longer work or make money off of our insecurities.  When we love ourselves enough there will no longer be a need for products to be pushed onto us as though they are the cure to our woes.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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