Fabulous At Any Age
All of my life I have been guessed at 10-15 years younger than my chronological age. In the past when people asked me what my secret was I did not have a definitive response but now at 62 I understand that there are some key reasons why people believe I am younger than what I am. Just the other day at the phone store a young lady shared that I looked as though I was in my forties, not my sixties. Although I thought it was a stretch to be mistaken for someone twenty years younger I know that there are some things I have done to maintain a youthful appearance, things that anyone can do:
1. Care about how you look:
One of the ways to look youthful is to look the part by wearing clothing that is up to date and fits you well. Wearing nice clothing in natural rich fabrics will make any person look and feel better and when you feel better you look better. Contrary to popular belief you can wear things that are in fashion at any age and there is no reason not to. In fact wearing fashionable styles will always be interpreted as cool, hence a look that is young and vibrant. Do not be afraid to wear some bold updated styles as long as you suit it to your body structure, is the right coloration and fits well.
2. Never identify with the descriptor or word "old":
I refuse to use the word old for anyone and like Cher in the movie "Mermaids" I agree with her statement in response to her daughter's comment about being too old to wear the dress she put on for a date which was: "don't be silly Charlotte, a woman is never too old". The minute we think we are old and comply with what that word generically means we become old looking and we forget that our inner young person can live forever and be shown to the world for all of our life. I think that the only things that are old are objects and even then those objects can be made too look like new. When we dress beautifully we make ourselves look like new.
3. Exercise-stay active:
Whatever you do, don't stop moving. Keep moving! Dance, exercise, go for walks, take vacations away and do all that you can to keep moving. Being inactive is the worse thing we can do to our bodies, minds and spirits. Staying active means we hold onto that youthful energy for many more years than we imagined.
4. Watch your posture:
Posture is important and as we have all seen, people loose their posture as they age. Keeping our posture takes a little extra effort but if we are conscious of it we will look much younger longer. Sitting or standing it is healthy to keep a good posture and it helps allow the blood to flow and the organs working efficiently. Great posture at any age will make us look much more attractive to others and keep us on our toes.
5. Focus on what makes you happy and do more of that:
Do everything possible to do things that make you smile and bring you joy. Take the time to go out to dinner, dancing, a movie or a vacation away. The more you do things that make you happy the more healthy and youthful looking you will stay for longer. Stay away from negative things, situations, people or anything that makes you upset. You may not be able to avoid every negative person or circumstance but being aware of it will help you to make the right choices when you can control it. Even if there are times of sadness, frustration or anger focusing on your joy and what to do to excelerate it will keep you looking and feeling youthful.
Now that you have some ideas of how to look and feel younger remember that in the end it is all about your attitude and what you think deep inside your heart. When we see that woman or man with bounce in their step who glide across the dance floor at 80 we look on with disbelief but the truth is that we can be that person by doing basic things that bring us major rewards.
1. Care about how you look:
One of the ways to look youthful is to look the part by wearing clothing that is up to date and fits you well. Wearing nice clothing in natural rich fabrics will make any person look and feel better and when you feel better you look better. Contrary to popular belief you can wear things that are in fashion at any age and there is no reason not to. In fact wearing fashionable styles will always be interpreted as cool, hence a look that is young and vibrant. Do not be afraid to wear some bold updated styles as long as you suit it to your body structure, is the right coloration and fits well.
2. Never identify with the descriptor or word "old":
I refuse to use the word old for anyone and like Cher in the movie "Mermaids" I agree with her statement in response to her daughter's comment about being too old to wear the dress she put on for a date which was: "don't be silly Charlotte, a woman is never too old". The minute we think we are old and comply with what that word generically means we become old looking and we forget that our inner young person can live forever and be shown to the world for all of our life. I think that the only things that are old are objects and even then those objects can be made too look like new. When we dress beautifully we make ourselves look like new.
3. Exercise-stay active:
Whatever you do, don't stop moving. Keep moving! Dance, exercise, go for walks, take vacations away and do all that you can to keep moving. Being inactive is the worse thing we can do to our bodies, minds and spirits. Staying active means we hold onto that youthful energy for many more years than we imagined.
4. Watch your posture:
Posture is important and as we have all seen, people loose their posture as they age. Keeping our posture takes a little extra effort but if we are conscious of it we will look much younger longer. Sitting or standing it is healthy to keep a good posture and it helps allow the blood to flow and the organs working efficiently. Great posture at any age will make us look much more attractive to others and keep us on our toes.
5. Focus on what makes you happy and do more of that:
Do everything possible to do things that make you smile and bring you joy. Take the time to go out to dinner, dancing, a movie or a vacation away. The more you do things that make you happy the more healthy and youthful looking you will stay for longer. Stay away from negative things, situations, people or anything that makes you upset. You may not be able to avoid every negative person or circumstance but being aware of it will help you to make the right choices when you can control it. Even if there are times of sadness, frustration or anger focusing on your joy and what to do to excelerate it will keep you looking and feeling youthful.
Now that you have some ideas of how to look and feel younger remember that in the end it is all about your attitude and what you think deep inside your heart. When we see that woman or man with bounce in their step who glide across the dance floor at 80 we look on with disbelief but the truth is that we can be that person by doing basic things that bring us major rewards.
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