How to. Stop Violence Against Women

The only way we are going to stop the violence against women is to address it head on and make it a priority in our country.  All over the world women and girls are being abused and even sold like slaves.  It is up to all of us to put this dark issue to an end and insist that no woman or girl anywhere in the world be used or abused in the ugly ways we have historically done.  As a man I am ashamed of what men have done to women and to girls.  I feel responsible to help stop this abuse and have volunteered to work with abused women.  I believe that one of the mistakes we are making is that we don't understand that men have a part in the healing of abused women and girls.  We need to stand up and give of ourselves to help heal this epidemic. There are some basic ways that we can begin to put a complete stop to abuse against females, here are some:

Report it every time:
We must never witness abuse against women and not report it.  We must promote the reporting of every incident every time and do everyone to ensure that women feel heard when they decide to report abuse.  We have to report every incident every time and make certain that there is a feeling of safety for women who are afraid to report it.  The fact that there are women who are fearful of reporting abuse is telling of how we address abuse and how much we need to support women all over the world that are suffering silently.

Get men involved:
Men have to get involved in the organization and the plight of females who are abused.  We must be a part of the solution because we are in fact part of the problem if not much of it.  Without blaming and shaming men we must be willing to fight against the violence against females with every fiber of our masculine beings.  The violence cannot stop unless men are willing to stand up against other men who abuse women.

Educate-Talk about it:
Schools must begin a dialog about the rampant rise of violence against girls and women and educate both girls and boys, opening a dialog between them when they are in elementary school.  As a former teacher I can say that we avoid the hot topics in the schools yet like other realities in our world we need to prepare our children for what can happen and what they need to know.  Life is not just sugar coated and both girls and boys need to know that abuse against females all over the world is a reality and something we must stop.  They are after all the future of our country.

Raise police and judges awareness:
It is important to note that most police officers and judges are males and that there is a serious need to educate them on the aspects of mental and physical abuse against women.  Men can never really know what it is like to be a woman and to be treated in ways that are less than respectful.  It is up to us to devise mandatory programs for police officers and judges to make them aware of the serious nature and rapidly growing abuse against women.

I have come to a conclusion based on what women have shared with me.  That conclusion is that men must be active participants of the fight against violence against women and girls.  We must be in the front of the lines courageously supporting women at every march and every protest and every court case.  We must be willing to shout loudly and let men know that when they violate a woman we will be there asking that other men pay the consequences and get the help they need so that this kind of behavior be something rare rather than rampant.  Men must rise up and be taken seriously by other men around abuse against females all the time, every time.  Women should never have to ask men to protect their rights and to stop the abuse.  We must put a stop to the abuse here and now.


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