New. Year's Evolutions

Today on this lovely New Year's Eve I am once again contemplating some new year's commitments and ways to evolve.  As many of you know I don't like the word resolution because it makes me think that there is something I need to fix or resolve.  On the contrary I feel like evolving is something we do constantly and that in the new year we may want to simply continue to evolve in areas that we deem need some attention, loving attention and compassionate thought.

To this end I would like to share some ideas of what a loving evolution we might all consider or that will guide you:

I have the loving intention to be a more loving and compassionate person with every person I encounter.

I want to evolve into a more prosperous person by using my gifts in ways that will bring joy to others and in ways that will bring prosperity to me with ease and grace.

I want to make the commitment to do things that I fear most when I know that taking those actions will be in my highest good and that of the ones I love.

This year make a commitment to evolve into more of who you are with a sense of fearless abandon and a commitment that is about love and about living in your highest vibration.  Consider things that help others and that serve your community and your family.  Look at your actions and your lack of actions and make a conscious decision to do your best to take the path of least resistance and to overcome fears that may be impeding your growth.

Kathy's story is one that I think inspirational.  She is an artist who has battled cancer for over ten years.  To look at her one would never suspect that she has this illness and what I think is that she does not own it and she has not surrendered to it.  Instead she has made a commitment to do every thing she can to live a full and healthy life.  She continues to make time for her art, she is close to her grandson and she practices Buddhism.  In her practice what matters is what we think and manifest.  It is about taking responsibility for ones self.  Kathy owns her life and she does not make excuses nor look for sympathy.  She is committed to living fully and it is her resolution to fight the good fight.  This is why every time you see her she has a smile on her face and an aura around her of intention.

We can all make the mistake of thinking we need to be fixed.  In fact there are people in our lives who make us consider that myth.  Yet none of us need to be fixed but rather to evolve and have the willingness to make commitments that are loving and productive.  Each of us is a gift to the earth and each of us is a beautiful part of the solutions on this earth.  When we know that we grow, we evolve and we transform versus trying to resolve something that does not need fixing.  This new year my friends, consider living with more intention and know that what matters is that we evolve and allow the natural flow to come into us and serve us.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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