Cancer and the Bullies

Cancer is as hard as life gets let me just say it once.  Maybe not.  The thing is that on top of the cancer I am being bullied like a horse.  A friend of my former X husband has made it her mission to contact me and threaten me then tell the police when I tell her off, never once giving her any fuel but defending my spirit so I won't die with any anguish and setting my boundaries so the bitch knows I have them.  On top of it she is on my lists of contacts and I cannot find her.  The woman is one person that I always told him I totally thought was toxic and completely insular.  Now that I think of it that might describe me?  OMG, LOL, LMAO and BFF.  I want to be clear in saying this is some north shore white woman who is likely intimidated by the mear fact that I am a man of color?  I am so not sure but she is a "train wreck" which is what I have been saying all along.  Now she wants to be in my life in a negative manner.  Hateful hateful, goddess bless her and put her to rest soon.

Caner and bullying kind of go together because along your journey people who don't get it will intimidate you and be hateful because they don't understand and are living in their own fear.  Some of them have 20 year old hearts from a transplant and still feel like they need to damage someone and hurt others for no reason.  Some have cancer or will get it and still don't understand that their negative behavior is a soft form of bullying, like soft porn.  Some are pedi files like some people we know who will remain nameless and they need compassion but give none.

Be in your forgiving nature no matter who attacks you or how you are feeling.  My good friend Debby just had a massive heart attack, went into a coma and I thought for sure she was gone yet she awoke again with that signature smile on her face and ate some french yogurt in France.  Her sister went to the hospital where she lay and woke her up, my version of the story.  Oh my butterfly princess Debby how you have awoken my own heart and laid the bullies before me.  You my compassionate loving woman with heavenly heart.  I have loved you from afar so many years.

So as of now let's just dance with the bully and join hands with love and laughter.  Never mind if she is north shore winnetka and thinks herself to be a powerful bitch when in fact she is just a powerless asshole, much like a man.  Wait, no man would get near her, erase that.  OMG!  How much must our hearts bear?  Just enough to make us wiser  my loves of love.  Just enough to make us wiser.
coach elliott


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