Kids, Feelings, Cancer and More

Why is it that the subject of snatchers has not come up for a long time?  I want to excuse myself by stating that I too buy into this notion of opinions and unfortunately too many opinions make me worried and so I stopped writing about snatchers.  Besides how many kinds of snatchers could there be left?  Well as it turns out there are many more and more than I ever imagined.  Now I get to start over again because the woman in my home cleaning every crevice of this beautiful house is working overtime just likes she did yesterday.  So far she snatched the silence and possibly the sunshine from outside that I'd been allowing in through the window that she closed the curtains on.  But who am I to judge?

My friend Cary told me that I need 'anger management" and I think he is right, except that he is the best source of anger I have ever known in my life, and untreated to boot.  Not one session of counseling, coaching or mentoring and working as a nurse in a hospital without any regard for people's pain: emotionally or physcially.  I send him all my love when i have some left over: LOL.  I also wonder who in the hell he has survived being a nurse when there is not one healing element about him.  Yet what I know is that this is my trigger and he is my teacher and I am glad for it.

My mother in law once referred to Marilyn Monroe as a whore.  At the very core of that is yet another trigger about how women like her simply undermine women like you and women like mine: daughters, nieces, granddaughters and friends.  I just cannot believe that this woman could actually refer to Monroe of all women as a "slut".  Oh yeah it was not whore it was "slut"..  Let me not misquote that bitch.  OOOPs.

On May 10 I will celebrate my 60th birthday and all I can think about is that the one person I love won't be here and in fact abandoned the fuck out of me  Now I am left with what?  well, he is my teacher and I of course am left with the lesson.  What is the lesson?  It doesn't matter does it?  The fact that I feel jilted or abandoned is a lesson in itself and a raging way to feel good about me.

So the Devil Wears Prada is not really about a devil wearing Streep wearing Prada but about a woman who worked her ass off more than any man would to bring fashion to the forefront even for assholes who think that fashion is a little something people do and that even if they would not wear white sunglasses Vogue and people like Streep have selected their taste level whether they like it or not.  White sunglasses and all.  Today it is all about white: Faragamo, Gucci, YSL and Coach: white purses, white sunglasses and white slip covered Pucci sofas.

I am in this fashion thing big time, sometimes to a fault.  I have had many people ask me to decorate their homes and at times been paid to create what others feel is in good taste.  Yet it is hard to convince the idiot I lived with that I had any taste of my own.  It was murder trying to get someone like that to understand the value of selecting beautiful items like a Nagucci table or a Klein sheet set or a Lauren sofa chair.  Nothing could be more frustrating than to be judged harshly because we like nice things that happen to be selected for us by a designer in a showroom in Paris.  I say if it is pretty to them I can live with that.

I have been called a lot of things.  At one time the magic word for me was "arrogant" and that upset me until I realized that the source that it came from did not know me at all.  IN fact my every attempt to reveal my truth to her failed miserably.  Now I know that who I am may be arrogant but she would not have known that ironically.  You see we cannot talk about anyone if we have not had the respect and dignity to get to know them and listen to what they need to say to us.

My my my the snatchers in life.  The snatcher of love.  The snatcher of happiness.  The snatcher of creativity, the snatcher of snatching, and the snatcher of a code that says that it is OK to steal someone else's talent and eat it.  I for one would like to have been the snatcher more often but I forgive myself.  I could snatch my snatchers back and take what they took from me.  I have always had that choice have I not?  You do too.
Love elliott


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