That Wasn't Barking

This line in the Marilyn Monroe used in one of her finest works just sent me over the edge.  She says: " that wasn't barking" in response to someone asking her what she said to some man.  In the movie she later throws some diamonds off the stage to a man who appears to be a "nerd" and interestingly enough a man who appears to be a soft spoken one who insists that she not stand out any more than she has to, which for Marilyn is impossible obviously.  How would a woman like Marilyn go un noticed?  How funny would that truly be to all who know her in real life with the exception of one woman who referred to her as a slut.  My response was that the Kennedy men were the sluts.  Of course "One Week with Marilyn" was a slice in the life of a woman who in real life was who she was and certainly a much higher version of Judy Tyler who called her a slut and who in high school apparently was a little bit of a slut herself.  God I hope she doesn't read this.

Now while on the stand another actress wears her mink coat and recites her testimony in a manner that I have not witnessed before.  I picture myself on trial some day representing myself in a divorce case and telling the judge that my man raccoon fur is just as good as hers.  I am hoping this will get me less time in jail.  Heaven forbid.

So while Monroe and me are both whores I would rather declare this truth than admitting that I never had a man fuck me.  I would tell the world the truth again but telling the truth is not worth it when it gets it gets thrown up in your face and you are asked by your husband how many partners exactly and I was facing dumb enough to tell him.  Goddess never imagined the tables being turned on me but God knew all along.  Now I am facing the truth and every time I think about my x and his limited thinking and living through me I know not to repeat this again.  I told him today: I am cured and I really am.
To be continued....
elliott collazo perez


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