Emotions are like cancer

This is a continuation of my last blog.  Cancer does not kill emotions do.  In reality it is our emotional state that is going to dictate our healthy meter.  We are as sick as our secrets and our emotions.  We are as unfortunate in our cancer causation as we are a victim of our feelings.  Sometimes it is better to not involve our feelings because it is simply not healthy at the time.  It is better to initiate a healing by addressing our own emotions in a safe space.  The more we know that the less likely someone else will steal our serenity and cause us to become severely and even a little ill.  God has this plan for us and it does not seem to include allowing poisoners venom of emotions from those who simply don't love us.  We don't have to be held hostage by anyone for any reason.  Once we know that then we will not likely see another form of caner causing things in our life because we have said no to the agent of cancer.

I lived for four and then ten years with cancer causing emotions.  I would do more than my share in those relationships and I was bullied and even raped.  I took it like a big boy in his big boy undies but in the end I created cancer for myself.  I ended up suffering so badly from what I call the agent of cancer, toxic relationship.  In those relationships I did most of the work all the time and some of the time I did all the work.  It was exhausting and I would wait for these people to overtake me until I had not more blood in my veins with the exception of the cancerous blood.  I brought it all onto myself and each time I repeated it I felt surprised.  Now I know that I totally ate it up and swallowed the cancer causing pill repeatedly.  I did this to myself with the help of people who felt little to no emotional attachment and who did little to no work in relationship or on themselves.

Now I ask all of you to look at your cancer causations.  The people and the emotional trauma that is causing you to become sick and eventually what might very well kill you.  Made a decision today to let go of that venom and move on, asking god to take away the pain and to release the bad seeds of those who will remain unhealed whether you get cancer or not.
More later...


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