Cancer Cures Everything

Like other days in my life today I love a life that is cancer free but not so cancer free.  I live a life where I say, "cancer cures everything" and I believe this with all my heart.  Even if the spell correct does not work on this flipping application and this blog spot.  I beg to deter myself because honestly it bugs me that this freaking program is so odd.

Like any other day I went to the cancer treatments and they are burning the hell out of me.  I then got home ate lunch with my friend Donna doll as my x husband refers to her and then took a client on.  Full force.  Then once again the Winetka Police department called me to threaten to arrest me over some crap one of my x husband's friends said that I said.  I hope they are not reading this blog but frankly I think she is what she said, " a cunt".  Bless her heart as the  southerners would say.  I say the same.  I want to instruct all of you readers to csll the police in Winnetka who don't have a fucking thing to do and tell the to please arrest me.  Idiot jack asses.

Move on I tell me clients and today it is all about moving on for me and for you.  Move to a place where you are not asking yourself why but where is your heart at.  Dont kee asking yourself why ask yourself when.  When are you goig to get out of the bad situation you think you are in and when are you going to live a healthier life and when are you going to see the light and when the fuck are you going to be in a movie?  I have decided that my when questions are:
When is Elliott going to become the cancer survivor and not the patient?
When will the guy at NMH take you off his insurance plan?
When will you create your own destination.

Hour after hour I ask the same questions that you ask yourself but instead of asking why I ask when.  My whole book on Snatchers are related to the subject of why vs when.  Here is what it would look like if I were to ask Why:
Why is elliott a cancer suvivor?
Why does the guy with the power of insurance going to take his insurance from him?
The reality is that it is easier to answer the when than the why and likely more productive.

With the snatchers like the Winnetka police department I would ask why and when but mostly I would ask when.  They keep threatning me knowing I am in treatment without a thought about what they are doing to a sick person who could easily shoot his foot so that they would simply leave him the fuck along.  The truth is that the reason why they are doing what they are doing is because they truly do not have anything better to do.  The truth is that when they get their head out of their ass they will know that they are wasting their time and others taxes.  How many of those officers are donating their time to battered women or gay sick men like me?  I have to wonder.

I think everyone who reads this should call the winnetka ppolice dept.  and tell them I said fuck off!


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