The things that make me laugh are usually the things that others might find offensive these days.  Like when the girl that plays the receptionist in The Devil Wears Prada asks the caller to spell Dolce as in Dolce Gabana.  It simply sent me over the edge even though as I said no one would laugh but me.  That is the beauty of life and frankly all I live for now is to laugh and make others laugh as well.  My pastor being one of those people.  He never fails to point out how candid I am and just how scary it is for him to listen to me recite one four letter word atop another.  He is maybe both shocked and yet it seems he is amused.  

I am really not funny.  Funny is in the eyes of the beholder as is beauty.  I am funny to me and I "crack myself up".  When I say this to others they look at me as though I have two heads and the truth is that I do have more than one head and that I am a bit strange.  I think nothing of dropping the F bomb, I talk about sex with women and I say that I have a man crush but really rather like girls better.  No one wants to understand me but I am thankfully OK with that.  I don't pretend to know why nor do I worry about it .  It just wouldn't make any sense. 

Jiving is my game as some would say. and the joke is usually on me.  I have so much to learn from life and life has a lesson for me to learn, apparently.  
continued later...
coach elliott  


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