Camille Claudel

Camille Claudel was one of many women who were institutionalized because of their voice and because they expressed a side of them that to men was strange and threatening.  Women are still dealing with the rath of men who simply think that women in power are bitches and they should take their pink pill.  I for one believe that if anyone needs the pink or blue one it would be the men who think with this limited palate of life.

Camille lived in France and where she resided was in a nun's home.  There it was soon uncovered that she was not suppose to be there but of course no one decided to low her freedom.  The nuns knew beyond a doubt that she was becoming helpful to others and that her personalized love touch was healing to others, one of which was a young male who looked very much like a butch female who she adopted and who she went on walks with.  It became evident that Camille was not only sane she was more than sane.

In one scenic where the scenery in France is impeccable by the way, there is a women in cuffs and a belt made of leather.  The absolutely terrified reaction that Claudet has is picture perfect and telling of how we might feel to see others persecuted in a way that is not just unfair and unjust but absolutely cruel.  In a way we can all relate to that awful feeling in the pit of our soul.  Where we are not happy and where we see unjust behaviors towards others.  We don't want to look up at it because like Camille, it is too painful.

In one scene, impeccably set, Claudet cries out loud because two of the residents play Romeo and Juliet in a play.  She leaves the room to go outside choking on her own tears that she cannot contain.  The women that looks like a man comes up behind her to console her, touching her back and suddenly we see a side of camille that is bullying and tragic.  She gets very angry and demands that he get away from her.  It is evident that he is injured emotionally and that she has made him feel like an idiot for trying to console her.  Still he walks away with a look of loce in his eyes.  A look that i would love to see every time I make a mistake and every time I react poorly, not the judgement I have received instead.


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