Good Morning God

Today I am going to be assured once more that life is beginning anew because I slept well and I have seen the sunrise again.  As I listen to the meditation music I am grateful for the peace and quiet of the area where I live and the light filled home with the vegetation just outside my windows and sliding doors.  I am uncertain that I could ask for more really and I am not about to.  Just sitting here having my coffee and feeling my abdomen heal from a little something something is good enough for me.

The next thing on the list is for my daughter to come back from taking her friend to the train and buying some things for the house that I was unable to get due to my health issue.  Thank goodness for goddess' timing my dear friends and family.  I am truly in a place of knowing that today I will need to once again force myself a little and go to a movie with my daughter and a friend who is visiting from out of state.  I know that I can do it and the other plan of getting a pair of gym shoes for my kid at the outlet mall.  I cannot imagine how many people will be there but I think I am ready to face them, LOL.

As you take this day with you I want to ask each of you to own it.  Love it and cherish it and also consider connecting with god and others in your life.  Nothing could be so hard or dark that you won't connect with some light if you work a little at it.  Short of being bed ridden or in a hospice I can honestly say that I will take the time today to do just that, more of it than I have up to this time of 8:45 am on a Saturday morning.  Take it with ease and slowly go towards your day.  Find a spot to meditate or pray or grieve.  Find a place where you know you will be able to get inside yourself and connect with you and your source, whatever that source is for you.

Now it is time for me to start my day and cleanse.  There will be a full cleansing where I soak in the tub, where I pray and meditate all to the music of Liquid Mind.  I will think about some of you who are addressing your own pain, who have lost a loved one, who are dealing with cancer like me (two friends) and who are looking to see more light in your life.  I am going to pray for the ability to hold the source inside of me all day and be guided by it wherever I am: at the mall, in the movie theater, at home or in my car.

Thanks to those of you who have been loyal readers of my blog.  I am perfectly honored.


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