Cancer Curious

I for one am a curious george myself.  I ask questions of others that at times may be invasive and I too have felt like some of the questions about my cancer have been rather curious.  I love people and the fact is that we are all curious at times regardless of how rough it is for some of us to respond with love and compassion, knowing that others will make the mistake to ask us something we might not be comfortable answering.  Yet we are all curious like George and will will ask those questions.  I too attempt to respond to what others need to know about me, my health or my beliefs.  I do my best to answer the questions.  All be it difficult.

Here is my inspiration for this blog because as you all know everyone and anything can inspire us to share our feelings in hope that what we share will be valued and maybe even be valuable.  Someone somewhere may be listening and may even need to hear what I have to say.  Consequently my inspiration for this blog is my own curiosity about myself and where I will go once I am finished with cancer and finished with the attention I have gotten and once I am divorced and on my own.  All these questions I have and all the people around me that will ask me but yet I have no idea what or how to respond.  And so today I eat a hotdog which is apparently not a good thing to eat (I loved it) and I am here wondering once again how I will get through my own stuff and curious as to how cancer will effect me in the future or how it will change the way that I live my life.

I am curious about others and how they go from there to here, especially my friend who is dealing with cancer and now heart desease.  I am in my curious george mode because I want to know badly how she has done her cancer treatments for ten years.  Ten years of dealing with cancer and addressing her needs all alone with no one to hear her cry or to pick her up off the floor like I have in my life.  I want to know how she does it.  How does she do this alone?  How does she get through this every day?  Some days I can barely breath and she is going to work every day and has a busy schedule often times out of the country.  How does she do this?  I am curious.  Very curious.

I still love my cancer.  I still want to love my cancer because if I don't I have to be in hate twenty four hours a day or at least twelve of them.  I am curious as to how others feel about my cancer and the people who don't ask the questions.  The questions I have for others is how will I do this?  I want to know how they do it so that I can do it the same way, even though I don't know if that will work.  I want to be curious in my own life about my own stuff and ask myself the tough questions.  Questions that others have of me, the hard core ones.  I want to know those responses and yet what I feel is that I just don't know.  I don't know!  That's my answer.

This Saturday is my birthday party.  I am celebrating my sixty years on this earth and I am still curious about life.  I wonder how long I will live after this.  I wonder how many more birthday parties my kids will have for me.  How many cakes I will eat and how much of that favorite Godiva chocolate ice cream I will eat?  I'm just curious.  A curious George.


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