Cancer Prayer

This morning I was thinking as usual about how to pray effectively and suddenly realized there is no way to pray effectively.  I try to do things efficiently that way and then I see how futile it is to be this way to myself.  It's the perfectionist in me just coming up screaming and that asks me to do things in a way that is almost impossible for anyone to do.  I am still styling my pick line and that alone requires a freaking awesome prayer right?  I laugh inside thinking about my lack of knowing how to and when to pray until I find myself in some crisis but for today I want to just send that prayer out right here and now:

Mother, Father, God and Goddess of the universe give me the wisdom to know what I know and the wisdom to know that I am truly not that wise.  Give me the wisdom to stay still and listen when needed and to run and exercise when my body is saying "I love you".  Ask of me what you want because I am willing to do that and to serve others in a way that you deem it and in a way that shines light on someone other than me.  Mother father god, be my guiding light and be my source.  Allow me to see clearly what I perceive and what I imagine and what is real.  I have the power to go to the ends of the earth with source and spirit and with a collaboration and effort on my part.  I ask this in your name.

Well, there it is for what it may be worth for all of you.  My little prayer for this morning, one of many that will take place during the day and that will be my guidance.  One for this morning, one for later this afternoon and one for when I just need it.  I will pray all day and I will also utilize every part of me to feel the highest joy possible.  I will dance in the street when God says so and I will nurture someone else when goddess says so.  I will prance until I can run and I will skip until I can dance.

Here is my advise to all of you and remember that I am not suppose to nor do I have the wisdom to give advise.  I will share something more accurately.  What I observe in others is much like what I do.  I wait for the next crisis to act on the one that is coming and then wait again for the next one.  In between waiting I take my "head out of my ass" for a little while thinking just as clearly as I can.  In fact it is how we operate usually.  We go from crisis to crisis and when something that is a real crisis comes up we have no energy for it because we spent so much energy and time on whipping ourselves for not showing up to work early and for getting to the dinner party 15 minutes late.  Although I will add that I would like to kill others who show up late for dinner.  OMG.

Prayer need not be always crisis motivated is all I am trying to say here.  We can make it a daily routine of meditation and reverence so that when the big stuff does happen, and it will, we know how to and we can handle it "effectively".  Staying in the crisis mode and then sticking our head up our ass, I mean in the sand, is likely not going to be "effective", not that I am the expert or anything like that.  I have been pulling my head out my ass for 60 years and each year it is in there for less time.  Digging your own grave means worrying about everything.  The kitchen floors, the "hardwood floor" and the stuff we have stored in the basement that seems to be enlarging all by itself.  Even if we were getting divorced (bad word ) it need not be a spectacular event.  We are so invested in our ego that what I want to end this saying is:
Pick your battles in life and with others
Don't personalize what others think and say about you and anyone you know
Do the best you can at life
Fill your time and space with love
Know that hate, darkness and jealousy are really just an illsuion.
Are you following me folks?
Love Elliott Collazo Perez
May 12, 2014
Happy Belated Mom's Day


  1. Great blog. Focusing on prayer and positive energy. Forgiveness and healing for US-we can change the world with LOVE.


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