Intention and Implementation

I feel compelled and motivated to share my  new experience or my latest experience with my health.  Now more than before the radiation is taking it's toll on me and the burning is simple almost nearly unbearable.  I wish I had a video of this and how it feels physically and how taxing it is emotionally yet what comes up the most is that somewhere and sometime we end up enduring even those things we think we cannot.  That seems to be a theme for some of us, enduring and getting through all the things we think we would have not and coming out the other end.

As I look out of my balcony doors I see a day that I have been given and another opportunity to heal and to get through to the other side of whatever is going on with me.  It really doesn't matter that much anymore what it is because each day presents me with a new challenge and even when I think I won't get through it inevitably I do get through it again and again.  Each of us faces that dilemma each day of being asked to overcome something in your life.  It could be minor or excruciating pain or it could be a loss of a pet or a loved one.  In one case I have a friend who is dealing with heart issues and I cannot imagine what a scare that heart attack gave her, yet she knows when to run and when to walk and she is actually going on to the next place where she needs to be.  She and I might know that this day is a gift and not a privilege nor something we deserve.

As you look at your day believe it to be a gift and use it for every form of love and joy.  Act as though this is the only day you have and live it fully and connected to the earth.  When you look at a tree interact with it as you've not done so before.  Tell the tree how much you appreciate her and when you pass by an old doggy consider sending good energy to him and to his master.  Look around you closely and purposely.  Everything around you has a purpose and so do you.  Everyone around you has a purpose and hence you do too.  Reveal the inside feelings, your deeper emotions if given the chance to do so and ask someone how you can help or how that person can connect and be of loving service to you.  You are not required to give all the time and you can actually love yourself enough to give and to ask to be blessed by another person or element of the earth.

The butterflies are blessed and yet their journey is a tough one.  They go through a lot of pain to become a butterfly and they almost don't make it at times because it's a delicate process and anything can occur.  Yet most do take the metamorphosis and they transform into the beauty that you see in the spring and summer.  They are like us and they are our teachers as we go through our pains and we actualize healing.  We heal by making sure to believe we can and when we heal we thrive and thrive and we know we will heal from the next thing.

During the process of life we must understand that setting our intention is just as important as acceptance.  We can accept what card we are dealt and still have and hold intentions.  I have this card in my hand that says "Cancer" and although that may be something I must accept for now my intention is to heal from this thing called cancer.  I have to know that I get ride this wave and that I can hold the intention that I will go under here and there along the way but won't actually drown.  My intention is to heal.  What is your intention is what I might ask each of you.  Do you intend to live a life as a diabetic?  Is your intention to heal from eat by eating donuts?  Like me we all have our vises and I want to extend my hand and ask that you look at that in the face.  What is your intention and why are you allowing it to be sabotaged by of all things a donut.  Don't we want to be healthy?  If we did and we held that intention we would then be healed right?  We would realize our healing because we know that the last illness was healed and that this one can be to.  We can overcome a day of misery or even six months of it.  We do that with intention and with collaboration and with a plan of action in our lives.

All of you know what I am referring to in my writings.  I know it and I know that it is not rocket science.  The part that is harder is the implementation part of it.  We all know what to do we just don't ever do it.  Oddly enough we suffer the consequences of lack of action but will sit back anyway.  I say stand up for yourself and for god.  Stand straight up and take what is yours to have in the here and now.  Rejoice in the fact that you are alive today and that you have this day to hold an intention and to implement your plan.  Rejoice my friends and family, Rejoice.


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