This Day is Forever

Good morning world.  I have been up since about 6:30 in the morning.  I have washed clothes, cleaned house, washed some dishes, made breakfast, saved the laundry, swept, and more.  I am at the lunch time.  No cancer shit is going to stop me today man!  Oh hell to the NO!  I am functional bitch and can almost fry an egg in the car while I drive, although I've not tried it as yet.  But dammit I could if I set my mind to it.  My grandmother use to say that these women these days could drown in a glass of water.  I thought about that long and hard today and what it means to me is that we could get stressed and become immobile over the most minor stuff.

And so my goal today is to go deeper inside my feelings not fearing my feelings and just seeking my refuge in the feelings.  Not allowing the feelings to take over me but rather for the feelings to pour over me.  There is a difference you know when you affirm that your feelings are pouring over you versus taking over you.  I have watched two movies this afternoon about the plight of the Jewish people and there on the screen for all to see, including me is the statistic that there were 15,000 children who were eliminated in the Nazi camps.  How we could have taken another human being into a chamber of death that was a little girl or boy is simply despicable and how one person could say to me one time "I don't get what this Jewish movement is about and why it is such a big deal" as his daughter threw up her feet on the sofa and laughed just still infuriates me.  God willing he will never know the pain of his child being killed, he who is so bossy and who seems to want to own his children, indoctrinating them to be as bigoted as he.

When we get up in the morning and we say yes to life we can allow our fears to pour over us and we just go into our safe place where the Jewish people were not allowed to and did not have the safe space to go to.  We cannot forget this occasion in our history nor can we minimize our selves at any time for any reason.  Step into the light and step into your feelings.  Step out of the hostile negative place where haters and takers and snatchers reside.  Make a safe space where you can and do so for others like your children and all children.  Jewish little angles included.
Mother Earth I ask of you to keep the Jewish plight at the forefront of our minds and hearts.  Let us not forget just how cruel we are capable of being so that we know how loving we are capable of being.
Elliott Collazo
More soon


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