Love the Cancer For Now

Love the cancer for now so that it looks like something that is not going to actually harm you.  Believe that you will conquer the cancer and you will.  Maybe the love is not exactly like the love you have for a child but if you look at it with love it will not have the power that for some has taken them and led them to give up.  Decide that you are not going to give up and decide that this is not who you are but rather a simple incidental in your life, something that you will get through just like the course you took in college.  Cancer is love for as long as it takes to continue to visualize a body that is healthier than even the doctors might say is not possible.

Now this is not rocket science nor a new prospective because if you have gotten to where you are now and still smiling some of the time then you have likely overcome plenty.  This can be viewed as one more thing to do, like a to do list that gets checked off and that you just know you will get to eventually with some grace and and effort, making sure to convince yourself not to give up or to give it all that power.

Sit in a comfortable and safe place in your home or outside. Now close your eyes, take a lot of deep breaths, twenty minimum, making sure to inhale all the way in then to exhale all the way out for a count of twenty.  Each breath should take 6-10 seconds and then hold for 4 seconds and then exhale all all all the way out, until your tummy is flat as it can be.  Now visualize the cancer in colors that you love like red or pink or lime green.  See it moving around your body wherever you visualize it.  Keep seeing it in your mind as a rainbow of colors and a challenge that you are getting ready to address.  Keep focused on the shape of the colors and the cells.  Picture each on expanding and then busting into variety of colors.  Keep breathing deeply and keep your eyes closed while you see the cancer traveling around in whatever your mind thinks it is.  Now look up with your eyes closed and picture it coming up from your head and floating away.  Lay down now and take a long rest breathing normally but with some purpose.  Let your body relax and keep sinking into the ground as if you are a plant ready to root and then grow new.  Visualize this as a transformation or in a manner that honors you allowing your mind to go where it needs to and your body following to a healing condition and a healing place.

I believe that we can cure cancer in many different ways and a combination of it.  I believe we can spark healing with a spark of love and with rituals like the one above.  Do this at least once a week at the end of your treatments and when you are feeling overwhelmed.  Do this with love.
Coach Elliott
May 3, 2014


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