Love Zone

Today I got some heat about my blog and as usual it prompted me to ask why I bother writing them.  I think it is because each topic elicits feelings and it also inspires me to go inside and dare to be different.  I cannot allow anything or anyone's interpretation to stop me from expressing what I deem and yet understand we are all quite different.  Life and people are funny that way are we not?

Yesterday I realized that the person I had been with is such a good person and that he like all of us is simply injured.  I can see the injury and I can see the need for my healing and his.  I love him even though there are times when I see he has not loved himself and neither have I.  I know that if he asked me I would open my heart up once again for him.  I would love him back to health if he fell and needed me to do that.  We, I can talk all I want but the truth is that I can love him no matter what happens.  I can still love Elliott too and I can do that in equal increments.

I love the people who read my blog and I love the people who don't read it.  Mostly I love the people who don't because they are the ones who I need to send it most to so that I grow as a human being and not personalize the fact that some people will not like what I have to say.  I have to be honest and say that I too don't like what I have to say at times.  It is good food for thought to curtail anything that is vicious because I guess it could come back to me and so I am thankful for that speech, that lesson and that knowing.

I am like Humpty Dumpty that had a great fall but somehow I was able to put myself back together again.  I pray that my loves do the same and even the ones that are not.  My heart wants to dance with shame but I am for today going to dance to love.
coach elliott


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