Are You In The Negative Zone?

This weekend I attended a party for a friend who was celebrating his birthday.  I was admiring how great he looked for his age when all at once he approached me and began to share his life mishaps using the words "I'm really neavous" in reference to what he was planning which included moving out of state.  He went on to share how much he had been though and how people that know him will refer to his life as a series of bad situations, some sighting how wierd it is that he seems to be there a lot.  After a few minutes of him sharing how positive I am and how my FB posts are uplifting he then went back to more of the fear based sharing.  Finally, it came full circle to my life and a comment about how poorly sales of my art went last summer.  I assured him that it was fine but he continued to say that had he known he would have bought some art from me.   It was at that moment that I realized that he was comfortable in the "negative zone" and that no matter what I said or did this was where he  concsciously or unconsciously felt he needed to be.  I was left with the feeling that here was a handsome, educated, healthy man that looked more together on the outside then he actually was feeling on the inside.  In my heart I felt compassion and there was no judging because we have all been there from time to time and some of us have been stuck there for years.  In reality I felt compassion for him while all at once knowing that it would take self-work for him to dissolve the energy that he'd created for himself.

The question is what do we need to do to get out of that mind set?
Here are some suggestions:

Stop, drop and roll:
Stop yourself, lay down, quiet your surroundings and become silent.  Understand that like a fire it is crucial that you establish a routine that will save your emotional life.  Not just sometimes but every single time you feel as though you are going to that place of self-judgement.  Knowing to stop and listen to the messages that are coming from the universe and your spirit guides is the first step to squashing the negative chatter in your head, the ones you placed there yourself.  It only takes about 10-20 minutes of silence to realize that the answer is simple: Negative self-talk is self-hating.

Get moving and groving:
Get your body moving with any form of movement like dancing, walking, jumping or running.  Put on some dance music that will motivate you to move, any music.  When the body is in movement it will automatically begin to shed the negative energy you are holding inside.  It will help you to clear the mind and get some of the negativity out of you.   Do this as many times in a day as it takes.   A body in motion cannot hold negative vibes inside of it, it is just not possible.

Create something of beauty:
Do something with your hands: color, sew, make a pair of earrings, paint or color.  When we create something beautiful it transforms us and elicits joy inside of us.  It is also an accomplishment and when we make something nice we feel good.  Force yourself to pull out the kid's crayolas and color a page in one of their coloring books.  Pull out the colored pencils and color something in your adult level coloring book.  Find something to revamp like a room in your home, by adding accessory pillows to the sofa.  Make something beautiful and understand that making something of beauty represents your desire to have a beautiful life.

Rub a dub dub:
Fill your tub up with bubbles and light a candle.  Take a bath and as you are washing yourself imagine the negative energy being washed off of you.  As you sit in the tub close your eyes and imagine the sadness or anger being washed off of you.  One of the best ways to relax is by taking a bath and it also makes you feel like you clean of whatever you entered into the tub with.  It is a way to love yourself and to shed that feeling of negativity.

Writing makes it right:
For some of you writing is a foreign concept yet writing is a way of releasing feelings that are stuck inside of you.  A journal is great but it can be just any paper that you write your feelings on and then destroy as a way of saying "I am done with that".  When you are writing think about the fact that Sprit is listening to what you are saying with compassion and with love.  Understanding that you are writing to the universe and only to release what is stuck inside is the most important aspect of letting go of the negative stuff inside of you that may be holding you back.

Replace the old thinking:
I am sure that negative honking comes from what AA calls "stinking thinking".  Once we know this we can replace the old thinking with new refreshed ways of thinking.  Every time a negative thought comes into our head we must negate it with some sort o manta like: "that is not the truth of who I am" or "this is not my reality".  In addicts to a short mantra we must develope and affirmation that speaks to the very core of healing from negative thoughts such as: "I am lying in my hightest vibration with loiving thoughts that nurture my spirit and lift me up".

More later....


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