Loving Being Single

There are many messages that lead us to falsely believe that we need to be with someone, married to someone or in love with someone.  In fact some people go so far to believe that if someone is single then something must be wrong with them.  After all if you are of a certain age (usually in your thirties) you should already be married and have two children.  Yet there are many happy people who are single and would like to stay that way.  When one looks at the statistics of divorce it brings us to the obvious conclusion that marriages fail more often than they succeed and that there are many people unhappily married to someone they don't like.  Add to this the amount of abuse in relationships we have some good reasons not to be a part of the system that promotes happy relationships, when the truth is that many, if not most, are not.

Those of us who are single and not committed to anyone know that there is an art to becoming a happy single person who not only accepts being single but embraces it for all the good reasons.  There are many advantages being single and truthfully when you become accustomed to it, being single is delightful and filled with adventures.  The longer I am single the more I love it.  The longer I am alone the more I appreciate myself, my times and my worth.  Although there are times when I feel like it would be nice to have a helping hand what I know is that when I was in a relationship it was like pulling teeth to get someone to do their part, especially when you have very high standards of living.  My most recent example was when the painters came to paint the interior of my home and made comments about how beautiful it was.  I had an immediate response which was: "I don't know how to live any other way".  The fact is that I live in a clean, beautiful organized and peaceful home that I myself worked for and that I manifested with my actions.  Not everyone deems their home important and sacred and in fact this is likely one of the biggest issues couples will have, one having less of a commitment to their home and making sure it is well tended to.

I feel like these are the advantages of being single and happy: 

Doing what you want when you want: 
This is the best part of being single.  Doing what you want when you want is refreshing and takes a lot of stress off your shoulders.  I love doing what I want and not having to be concerned about what someone else wants to do.  I go to bed when I like, I watch TV when I like, I sit and read when I like and I go where I like.

Emphasis on self-work and self love: 
When you are single you learn that nothing is more important than loving yourself and doing the work you need to do to become all that you can be.  Living an optimal life becomes the most important thing in your life and no one impedes it or is there to question it.  The longer you are single the more time you have to do self-loving and self-nurturing things for yourself.

Adventures abound: 
I use to love going on vacation alone when I was in a relationship.  I frankly could not wait to get away from the woman I was living with and get a break from her.  When I was on my own in Mexico, Greece, Hawaii and New York I felt as though I could be completely authentic and I felt free to connect with complete strangers.  Those vacations were likely the best times I have had and in fact it was much more enjoyable to me than going with someone.  These adventures were for me and are still the best times of my life.  It is interesting to me that many people cannot go on vacations alone and I think they are truly missing out on something wonderful.  When you are single or do things alone your adventures do not depend on what others want but solely on what you like.  It makes for a truly fun time.

No blaming or shaming: 
Being single helps us to learn that whatever happens to us is on us.  We are responsible for our joy and we are the reason we are unhappy or elated.  There is no one to blame and no one to be shamed by when things go wrong or we make a mistake.  We get to decide that what happens to us is all about how much effort we put into our life.  There is no one there to ask permission to and there is no one there to impede us.

To be continued...


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