Who Is The Real Devil?

When we think of the devil many of us think of a man with red horns and a type of spear in his hand, although we don't know why he is carrying it other than to persuade us to go to hell with him.  For years I wondered like many others if the devil existed or if in fact he was made up.  It did not help that children were dressing as very cute Devils on Halloween.  It also did not help that girls were dressing up as Devils and that now there were movies like "The Devil Wears Prada".  What I have come to understand and would like to share with all of you that the devil is the ego and the parts of us that are dark, angry, fearful and insecure.  The ego rises up because it is the part of every human being that acts out of darkness and confusion.  We may not want to accept it but the devil dwells in us when we lose sight of who we truly are, spiritual beings having a human experience.  When we know this then the devil can only be in us for a very short time, posing as our egos.

Some people will say that the ego is a good thing and that because of your ego we rise up and become more successful.  I would disagree and would challenge anyone to who is joyful in their life to show me how that has anything to do with the ego.  In fact it is when we place the ego aside that we experience grace, gratitude, appreciation for life and joy.  When we become humble we ask the ego to take a back seat to our authentic self we bring forward all that is pure about us as human beings.  When we set the ego aside and replace it with true love we invite the highest level of living we could ever experience, a level not accessible to us when we are engaged in our ego: how we appear, what we have, how much money we make, the job and prestige.  The ego can only lead us to darkness and in fact that is one of the main jobs of the ego, to falsely make us feel things that are dark even when there is not any use for such darkness.

The very opposite of living in accordance to our egos is living in accordance with our pure heart and living in our authentic self.  When we tell the truth, when we accept what is and when we live every moment as if it means something we are living in our purity and in our authentic joy.  Joy is not something we get to have.  Joy is something we live as a result of disowning the ego who is egotistic in nature and who speaks at times when we are in our most confused state.  It is the voice who makes us believe that life is too hard and that feeding our addictions will help us to heal, when in fact this furthers our confused state.  Living in accordance with our spirit means that we live honestly and we know that we are not here to simply breathe but to share some of who we are by serving others.  When we live in our spiritual light we live with clarity because what motivates the voices in our head are loving thoughts and thoughts that ask us to honor ourselves and others.

So who is the real devil?  Well, I am not going to say that the devil does not exist in some form yet what I understand for myself is that the devil is my own manifestation that takes control when I am not in my faith, integrity and intention.  When I live with intention the devil (ego) does not have power over my decisions or the way that I show up for myself, others and God.   When I trust my spiritual self I know that nothing can be of influence to me that is not of God.  God has no place in the ego center but rather love expands in a place of love and authenticity.

It is my choice to say that the devil, the one with the red horns, does not exist, but the devil who possesses our minds and body does exist in the form of hate, anger, egotistic beliefs, and all that is made up inside of us in the form of darkness.  I choose to feel that the devil is an entity that can only have any power over us when we question all that is truth and all that is loving.  I want to invite everyone to invite and understanding around this idea and this belief of a devil.  Perhaps when we are willing to replace the devil with taking responsibility for how we show up we will be indeed clear that the devil is really our ego working in the dark.


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