What To Do With Life Lemons

I am the very first person to look up at the heavens, shake my head and ask: "Really, God, really?" I cannot count the times when I have thought that the rough times were over and that it could not get worse or that nothing else could possibly happen, when suddenly it does.  Not only do I ask God why I also have to regroup and admit that my life is not as cool as I would like it to be, every dam day!  Yet through it all I must say that every single event in my life that has challenged me has taught to produce that ultimate lemonade.  By the way the best frozen lemonade is sold at Trader Joe's, FYI, LOL, OMG and WTF.  Who knew.

Those of you who are aware of what I have undergone and overcome would call me a survivor and my own lovely daughters use terms like: "warrior" and "courageous soldier".  I am still not completely comfortable with any of these descriptors but have attempted to embrace the idea that with God's and Goddesses help I have survived and that perhaps I am a survivor, all be it at times with a tinge of anger and resentment.  After all I made it this far and there has surely been some shit lemons doled out to me.  And I mean some truly sour lemons.  So how have I overcome each life lemon moments in my life?  This is what I think:

I think that the best medicine I have taken is to be in denial.  What I mean is that I refuse to make my situations my truth and in fact I pretend as though I am completely fine as long as nothing solid rears it's head.  I only give my circumstances attention when I have to.  The remainder of the time I just ignore the crappy stuff.  In a way it is like faking it until you make it.  It is more than anything saying NO to the lemons.

Positive thinking: 
Thinking positive is not easy when you are in pain.  Sometimes you have to just do your best, which is exactly what I do.  I try to stay as positive as possible and not dwell on how I feel each and every time I speak to others.  When others ask me how I am doing I simply respond with "I am so blessed, thanks for asking".  Speaking positive is one step closer to feeling it so even when I don't believe it I say it and convince myself that all is good.

If I need to zone out I do.  I think it's sometimes the best and only good thing we can do.  Turn on some music, sip some lemonade, sit on the deck and read a book, watch some TV comedy or a chick flick on Netflix.  I have a coloring book on my ottoman and when I am watching TV I grab the colored pencils inside the glass container and color my ass off.  Sometimes any distraction is helpful and gets you through the moment.

Reaching out to others is a good thing and helps us to get through the rough times in our life.  Knowing that someone loves you and when you reach out they will tell you that is a great way to turn those lemons into love.  Everyone needs support and it is OK to ask for it.  The caveat is that people have their own lives and they can only be there when they are willing or can be so professional support is crucial during those times when people are busy living their own lives.

Therapy or Life Coaching: 
Getting professional help is always a good idea when the lemons seem to be too sour and you don't have any sugar left inside of you.  I believe in therapy because otherwise the option is to wait until you no longer need it and you are certifiably crazy.  When you think of it that way it is an easy decision to take care of things with a person who is trained to help you, whether it is a psychiatrist or a life coach.

I love music and dancing.  Although I can not always dance due to my physical limitations I often move back and forth to the beat of music in my car.  Dancing is in truth very therapeutic and i highly recommend it any time and any day.

Not stopping: 
As long as you are moving you are not dead.  As long as you keep moving the law of averages is on your side.  Don't stop moving and doing as long as you can move and even if you are disabled rock that wheelchair.  Like the commercial says "a body in motion...".   It is a lot like not giving up and telling your body that you are still alive and well.  Becoming sedentary can only lead to you know what.  Keep moving, keep walking, keep dancing, keep working and stay active.  This will ensure that you keep alive.

So there you have it.  My words of wisdom,  what I know is that al that what really matters is how we perceive the situations that come up in our lives.  If we see them as so difficult we cannot overcome it then we won't.  IF we view every single experience as a chance to grow then we will.  If not matter what happens to us we know we will make it, we will.  If we don't allow circumstances to define us then they won't.  And if we keep on keeping on, then we will.


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