Becoming Your Best Self

I always say to others that becoming our highest self is a matter of seeking out the best of who we already are inside of us.  It is not a magical formula but rather a willingness to go deeper and to become completely honest with our own evalauatin of our own life, not prescribing to the opinions of others but considering those who love us as a resource.  Becoming your best self requires us to:

Ask people we love how they percieve us to be both postive and negative: 
The people who love us will share what they believe is going on in our life through their loving eyes. People who love us will be honest and share what they think of our behaviors, shortcomings and successes.  If we are open to their input this alone can be useful in helping us to target those areas in our life that need attendtion and change.  Although this is risky asking someone we love to be honest and evaluate us in a loving and compassionate manner can be just the information we need to transfrom our life.

Listing how we feel and becoming really honest about our life: 
Making a list of how we feel most of the time: anxious, sad, happy, impatient, angry can be extremely helpful in healing the areas in our life that need love and attention.   Being honest about our life is the best way to make the changes we need to make and although identifying the issues is only a small step it is very important.  Seeing the issues on a list gives us a reality check and is the only way to become the best person we can be.

Living with intention and purpose every day: 
Every day we live we should consider the purpose of that day and live each day with intention.  What is it that we need on this day?  What is it that we need to do and why?  What can we do with purpose and with intention?  Every day is a new day and a chance to choose what we can do to enhance our lives and be of service to others.  Everything we do should matter and we should make every effort to do things with a loving intention.

Identifying and changing our habits: 
We all have some bad and good habits.  Living in our highest functional level means that we know what the habits are that are holding us back and avoid repeatedly practicing those habits that are not only bad ones but ones that hold us hostage.  Changing habits is easier when you replace the bad ones with good ones and instead of practicing bad habits we practice good ones.  We can easily fall prey to the bad and harmful habits if we don't know what else we could be doing that will serve us best.

Addressing our addictions and our addictive feelings: 
We are addictied to things like: TV, cigarettes, food, sex and even anger.  We can be addicted to a feeling like jealousy.  We know when we are addicted to a feeling that is of a negative nature when we opt into the feeling over and over again knowing that it does not get us good results.  That is, we are addicted to that particular feeling.  Addressing any and all addictions helps us in becoming our best self and sometimes this may require us to attend a program that is specifically greared at addressing the addictions.

Setting and keeping life commitments: 
When we set loving self-nurturing commitments we do so in service to becoming our highest vibration.  When we become our highest vibration we become our very best self and we do this through making a commitment to change, taking specific actions.  Setting and keeping commitments means that we are now in a place where we are ready to do the things needed that will make our life the best life we can live.

Doing ongoing daily work: 
WE cannot expect to do better when we ignore the daily routines that make our life better.  We must do things on a daily basis that are about being proactive and not crisis oriented.  When we wait for a crisis to happen in order to act we have not been livng a purpose driven life but rather a life that is driven by the next terrible things that happesn to us.  All this to say that daily meditation, prayer, journaling, creating and enjoying life is really the best way to live life.  When we do nothing on a daily basis to deter the demons we end up crashing into that emtoinal wall eventually.

Becoming our best self and living our highest vibration is not easy but it is very possible and the more we practice it the better we become at living an authentic and happy life.


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