Five Ways to "Score"

1.  Be a gentleman
2.  Access your inner feminine 
3.  Be sensitive and kind 
4.  Respect and honor her 
5.  Be self-caring 

I started this blog with a list intentionally.  I wanted men who read this to know immediately that these five things are what women are looking for.  When I say score I don't mean physically but rather in a way that is more meaningful: emotionally.  Women want men who treat them like a lady, can show their feminine side, do kind things, respect her and be a man who takes care of himself.  Here's why:

Women like men who treat them like a lady.  A man who opens their doors and brings a flower on a date elicits a positive response because they feel special and honored by a man when he does things that are cavalier.  When a man is a gentleman he places a woman's needs before his own and women want to feel that special vibe.

When a man can cry he is in touch with his inner feminine parts.  When a man listens to what women feel and respond with a hug he is accessing his feminine energy and is unafraid of showing compassion and understanding.  Women love men who do not limit themselves.  One of the ways a man can show his feminine side is to do things that a woman has done for them.

When a man is sensitive and kind he shows it.  Women want to clearly see the kindness and sensitivity of a man.  Men who are kind and sensitive are understanding and women see that and are attracted to you more.  A sensitive man is in touch with how a woman is feeling even if she does not say it.  He can catch the subtle messages coming from her and will inquire when he feels she is feeling sad or upset.  Sensitive men don't always need to be told what is going on but rather they can feel it and move into that feeling with their partner.

Men who take care of themselves are ones who know when to wear a suit and that their shoes should always be clean.  Men who are self-caring are aware of how they look and instead of expecting a woman to look great he is more focused on making sure he is presenting in a way that honors him and his relationship with others.  Men who are self caring don't need to be chased around by a woman so that they will take care of their hygiene or put on a white shirt when needed.  Women are tired of taking care of men in areas where they should know to do that themselves.

So the next time you want to be noticed by a woman whether she is a date or your wife remember the five easy ways to "score" and keep that relationship going.  Do what you expect of a woman and be what you want her to be.  Know that when you are a sensitive man it only means that you are a man in awareness and ahead of the rest.  When you treat women with respect and you listen more than you speak you too will have a big emotional score!


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