I'm a Creep. I'm a Wierdo

On the show "America's Got Talent" a sincere named Bryan Crum sang and old song entitled "Creep".  Prior to singing his mother shared the pain of her son being bullied in high school and being called a "fag".  She began to cry as she said: "I feel to my knees and prayed".  When he came out and sang the song his rendition of the song made me cry and the judges were looking at one another with dismay at how he hit those high notes like a professional.  The audience jumped up in a standing ovation like no other.

This song is about feeling less than and in fact feeling as though one is not good enough and made to feel inferior or flawed and going through such pain as to elicit a feeling of self-hate.  Many of us know that feeling of being a person of color, being an awkward girl or even a disabled person.  Some of us who have been hurt by bullies when we were young not to mention those of us abused by our own parents.  The words, I'm a creep, I'm a Wierdo truly express a feeling of helplessness and a feeling of sadness about ones own image and one's own worth.

When we feel as though we have been through a lot and it is manifested in abuse by others it is hard to heal from this.  It is even harder to see the inner beauty of who we really are when the messages we received were ones that were of a negative body image or a negative race, one that is inferior.  It is all meant to hold us down and to keep us prisoners of our own self-destruction, believing what others think of us that is contrary to who we really are.

You may feel you are a creep or weirdo based on your body because you are overweight.  You may feel you are not pretty because your hair is falling out from t he chemo treatments.  You may believe you are not worthwhile because your face is not pretty enough or you don't live in a pretty home, but what we must understand is that our worth does not depend on any of these things but rather on the value of our spirit.  When we understand that we can begin to release our soul from what is infringing on our happiness.

If we believe we were creeps or still considered a creep by some we can embrace that and then move on.  When we embrace that darkness in us or that place where others are in judgement of us we admit the truth and then we are able to continue on that journey called life.  Then and only then can we say "I may be a creep and I may be weird, but I am also above it all human.  I may have flaws and I don't mind admitting to them.  This is what makes me, the authentic me.   I may be a weirdo but the person that I am is comprised of every single kind of personality traits most of which I am happy with.


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