About Death and Living

I recently read that if you want more readers to your blog that humor is essential.  The person also shared that being too serious was not a good idea.  It reminded me of how fucking superficial we are. We love to talk on the surface and we often times hate dealing with our deep emotions.  We don't like to be deep because it makes us feel responsible when we'd rather just ignore the big pink elephant taking a shit in the living room.  Until we smell the feces we act as though the elephant is not there.  I get it and so those of you who like to be on the surface have my permission to stay there and not read my blogs because in all honesty I will not tailor my blogs so that most people can digest them.  OMG, did I say that shit out loud?

With all that said let me once again visit a subject we often avoid, death.  Death is so under-rated my friends.  I for one want to dance and sing when someone dies right after I sob for a while.  My own sister committed suicide in her twenties.  She was in an abusive relationship for a while, had a child and found herself loving a man who was not a nice person.  Her death came at her own hands with a gun to the head.  Ok, maybe that was too graphic for you, oops sorry.  After many years what I understood was that he decision to die was her choice and that she would live on in spirit for eternity even if the Catholic Church said she wouldn't.  Whether we die at our own hands, which I don't recommend, or we die of cancer it is the way that we perceive death that will make a difference.  If we believe that it is just a painful end then it will be just that.  Yet I would introduce a new perception which is to see death as a journey we have been on since birth, like the rose that blooms and then dies.  It is a part of the evolution of the universe and we are included in it.  Surrendering to death seems odd until we understand that it is really the best way to go.  Not kicking and screaming but in acceptance and love, knowing we will transform in a way that is both beautiful and peaceful.

Death is such burden for some of us  that we don't live fully.  We remain completely focused on death and we fail to live.  I for one have been there, done it and have the t-shirt that says: "I die every day because I don't know how to live".  Applying a form of acceptance to our journey helps us to understand that death is just something we must address some day.  We don't know when but we know we will.  We have to take the fear out of death and do the things we need to do in proportion when we need to.  Death is a burden on us when it is all we think about versus addressing it when we need to and want to, doing things that honor us and the ones we love.  Death can be simply one of the parts of our path in life, not our every thought.  Taking the negative aspects of dying and focusing on the fact that death is just a small part of life.  Although dying is something that we often feel ambiguous about it is our attitude about living that is much more important.  Every day is a chance to live with joy and the understanding that death is a journey to the next portion of our spiritual life.

I don't expect any of you to see what I see.  I don't expect any of you to understand death just because I shared this viewpoint with you.  What I will say is that I see how many people live each day in this complete denial about so much more than dying.  I see where we conceal our feelings and we just don't feel them.  I have observed so many people who when I do a healing on them they break down in tears and then will say: "I don't know where that came from?"  I know where it came from.  It came from the deepest part of them that had been in pain for so long and was stuffed down sometimes for years and years.  It comes from the fear of feelings to the degree that they believe they will die if they feel the feelings.  Once again I remind all of you that we are SPIRITUAL BEINGS having a HUMAN EXPERIENCE.  When we understand that we know that being just human is hard when deep inside our spirit wants to leap forward.

There I have said it and so I ask that you be OK with it whether you agree with me or not.  Life is a journey and death is a part of that journey.  Simple, forward, honest and real.

Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


  1. Wise words, especially around that we are on a journey to death the moment we are born. Making peace with that truth is so important.


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