Being Alone Not Lonely

I rarely feel loneliness.  I think it is because I have learned to be alone and do the things I love to do while alone, whether it is sitting with a book on my deck or taking a bike ride in nature.  Learning to be alone has been my best life lesson because indeed it has opened up a new world of loving my own company and acknowledging myself.  I don't need another person to validate me or to be with although I enjoy being with my family or a close friend often enough.  The nice part about being single and living alone is that I get to do as I like each and every day, it not being contingent of someone else's needs or wants which often times can be burdensome for us.  Being alone is not the same as being lonely as one person recently pointed out to me who is married.  Being alone is being in our own company and enjoying each and ever moment.  Here are some wonderful tips on how to enjoy your own company:

Select a daily activity: 
Although I don't believe in keeping busy I think it is nice to plan something special each day.  It can be something we commit to when we awaken from our sleep like sitting on the deck reading a positive book or taking a little nap.  Making each day special is your job and doing so is really quite simple, as easy as just deciding to do something that honors you.  A bike ride, a walk in nature, a night out dancing, a movie, writing or watching a movie with some popcorn loaded with butter.

Meditate-Hold Reverence daily: 
Hold yourself important enough to take some silent reverent time, time to meditate and regroup.  Take some deep breaths, sit in a soft seat or lay on the floor or yard and close those eyes.  Let go of any thoughts that are harassing you and just sit or lay there in silence.  You can add some meditative music to the mix.  Just chill for about 10 minutes minimum.  This is a way to truly say to your spirit that you love yourself and go into your heart center.

Make yourself important enough: 
Take the time to cook a good meal, drink plenty of water, take your medications and just do those things that tell you that you are important enough.  Make a special smoothie, take a warm bath.  Making yourself important enough is the start to other wonderful experiences in your life.  Say to yourself: "I am important as I am and just because".

Don't wait for that call or contact: 
Don't expect others to call you and make a date with you.  Being dependent on others will cause more loneliness and in the end we should not depend on others to initiate our actions of joy.  We can do that on our own.  Then if someone calls or wants us to join them we can ask them to join us or choose to join them.  Sitting around waiting for someone to call is truly just a waste of our energy.  Dont' do that to yourself.

Adorn yourself every day: 
Find something that you love, an accessory like a scarf and adorn yourself each day.  Wear things that are special to you and even select an outfit for the next day based on your thoughts about what you might be doing.  Ask for guidance around adorning yourself in a way that expresses who you are and how much you love yourself.  Make each day special with something that you wear, even if it is a kaftan of linen that you could wear all day.  Adoring ourselves is sending that message that we care about our body and our spirit.

Focus on your emotional and physical health each day: 
Do something daily that is about healing and loving.  Do some form of physical exercise, even just some stretching to music.  Whether you are feeling like yoga or running a mile let you body know you care about it.  Take some time to check in with yourself asking "How do I feel right now?" Or "Why do I feel this way now and what can I do to honor myself right now?" Focusing on our emotional and physical aspects is yet another message that we matter.

Being alone does not mean that we are lonely.  Learning the rhythm of being in our own company is fascinating and magical.  Once we get the steps down we will rarely if ever feel like we are emotionally needy or have a need for others to make our life more of this or more of that.  Nothing is more important than being with ourselves and enjoying that light of which we are accompanied by our own wonderful self.


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