About Dying and Living

I have for a very long time been reading a book by Wayne Dyer called "The Power Of Intention" and in it he addresses the profound question of death.  This book, which I would recommend to others is a study in living with intention and becoming clear as to why we are here and why we can graciously die, ending a life in body but not in spirit.  Death has been something that I have thought about all my life and I think it was because I had a difficult upbringing, often times feeling neglected and abused.  Although there were times when it scared me I now understand that there is really nothing to fear.

According to Wayne Dyer death is something we have been preparing for all of our lives.  Yet my contention is that we live life as if we are not going to ever die and more importantly as if we were invincible.  Many of us live a life eating things that are toxic, doing things that are emotionally damaging and being with people who abuse us.  It is as though we are on this suicide mission and this is not the way it is suppose to happen.  We are more likely to die beautifully if we live beautifully and fully without censoring our joy and by avoiding those things that are so damaging to us in every aspect: spiritual, emotional, physical and creative.  We don't understand that living our life is in preparation to die so that it is crucial that we live it with integrity and self-love, that we don't take shit from others and that we stay away from all the things that are toxic to our body, spirit and mind.

We cannot avoid death so why waste our time doing so.  We cannot stop the clock in us from ticking froward to the destiny we must each face.  We cannot erase the fact that we are spirits on this earth having a human experience.  We can't pretend as though we are going to live forever, leaving things until tomorrow and living without the intention to make a difference in the world.  We cannot hide from Santa Claus because he simply does not exist.  Life is about living and knowing that someday we will become complete.  To fear it is to avoid it and to face it is to live it.

Life is funny in that most of us are avoiding our feelings and avoiding death.  We falsely think that if we ignore the big pink elephant and the smell of animal feces that we can delay it and by doing so we live a life on the run, going from one thing to the next, keeping busy, eating shit and then expecting that we will live forever.  In the book, Dr. Dyer asks us to consider preparing for our death and to consider writing our own eulogy.  I thought about this for a bit and decided to buy my cremation and to write my eulogy.  Although I am not wanting to die today I understand that I would like to plan to leave with grace and with some foresight and planning.  Death is a daunting thought and I understand that we don't want to face it but when we know how to live then death will happen in a way that is natural and that will be an elevation of our spirit from our body into a realm that is peaceful and complete, for it is at that time that we have completed our journey.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


  1. So grateful for the legacy you have built in life and for eternity in spirit. Love you Papi.

    1. Thank you my precious most magical butterfly of all. Dad


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