Becoming Authentic Again

When each of us is born we are born authentic.  We are born with this openness to be vulnerable because we are.  It is in that moment that we begin to form our perception of how others respond to our needs and the touch of our mother is the most meaningful part of of life in that moment.  We are so vulnerable that we simply respond to the loving and nurturing parts of the universe and we only need witness the smile on a baby's face to realize that all we need is for others to be authentic and loving to us.  Yet over the years many of us lose that ability to be authentic, to be who we are and to express our needs.  In fact we form a barrier because we censor our feelings and we hold onto the pain so much as to become like actors in a movie.  We fall prey to this notion that if we seem together then we will be and if we play as though all is well then it will be.

Becoming our authentic self requires a few simple things none of which are difficult and these are:

Becoming willing to be vulnerable:
We can never be fully authentic unless we are willing to get hurt, knowing that we will recover.  Becoming vulnerable is more than just an act, it is a way of life.  When we are vulnerable we don't need to censor how or what we feel about others and about our self.  Vulnerability is the most pure form of who we are and can be.  Opening our hearts to others and to life is the key to living a life that is indeed authentic.  Fear of being hurt or rejected will cause us to be defensive, put up walls and not allow our hearts to guide us.  Being vulnerable is not the same as being weak as some would believe. Being vulnerable is living with courage and being able to take the risks regardless of the outcome.

Accessing our heart's desire:
We think with our mind and that is a good thing.  It is when we take every decision to the head and bypass the heart that we become like robots and we fail at being authentic because we are so busy trying to figure out why we are not feeling complete.  Accessing our heart's deepest desires is the first step to living fully and genuinely.  It may seem selfish to think of ourselves before anyone else yet if we don't do that we cannot figure out what brings us to a conscious and real state of being.  What we desire most in life cannot be stuffed down but rather brought forward so that we can feel the joy inside our hearts rather than stay stuck in a plan to be happy someday when we...

Accepting others as they are:
If we don't like every aspect of every person that is completely fine.  We only need to accept others as they are.  When we attempt to change others into how we would like them to be or respond we are not being authentic or allowing others to be authentic.  We are always going to be unhappy if we don't just accept that there are many different types of people and behaviors in the world.  When we accept that then we are in our own truth and in our own integrity.  That is a part of being your authentic self is accepting others as they present themselves.  It does not mean you have to deal with bad behavior it only means that people's behaviors don't drive yours.

Forgiving the key players in our life:
Almost everyone has some gripe about their mom or their dad or both.  Holding on to negative feelings and memories of your parents is self torture.  Forgiving those key players in your life that were human and made mistakes is going to heal you and bring forward the authentic person that you are inside, without the resentments and without the judgements.  Holding on to the judgements of the key people in your life will only serve to bring you down and down is not the authentic way that we are born to live.  Forgiveness lifts us out of the past anger and elevates us to our real self which is the highest level of truth.

Letting go of the things that we think define us:
When we stop defining ourselves by the things we own: luxury cars, home, designer clothing and the like we then move into what is important about us and that is who we are at the core without the material possessions and degrees we received from college.  We are authentic when the material things we have are only material things and don't make us any more important or valuable.  An authentic person does not need to sight his education or her dress designer.  An authentic person is defined by the way they interact with others and the way that they are wiling to give.  For some of us letting go of the material things unburdens us and allows us to start a new life, one that is more authentic to how we really want to live.

Becoming authentic does not require a lot of thought.

Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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