He Who Wronged You

There is a justification to hurt others in this notion of "an eye for an eye".  I think that people take it a bit too literally and yet one can understand that kind of thinking, a wish for any person who has wronged us pay for it equally.  But my friends this is not the way it really works: People who done you wrong will see their own demise and there is nothing more simple than karma.  We may believe that we can get by with all the wrong doings to others but the reality is that we cannot.  One day we will all pay for the injustices and pain we intentionally exposed others to.

Here is my saying: "what goes around comes around".  It seems very similar to an eye for an eye but it's not the same at all.  This saying comes from the perception that we don't have to do anything because life is circular and eventually we all suffer the wrath of that life lesson of "what goes around comes around".  I cannot recall a time when I did not think this.  Each and every time I did something unjust I became the person to receive the darkness that I put out there.  Each of us will learn that lesson differently and in our own pace.  We all will see that day when we understand that what we do will follow us until it is done to us and until we finally understand that living with the intention to do good is vital.

You may say that you are except from karma but you I am here to tell you that you are not.  We as humans live in a flawed world with lots of temptations including the one of revenge.  What I know is that revenge leads to more revenge and that it is best to leave the work of justice to God and to the Universal Law Maker.  Our knowing that we are vulnerable and not invincible is the key to living a life without jealousy, anger, hate or wrongfulness.  Today is a good time to remind ourselves that life is here and now and that what we do we have a debt to pay.  This is why we must never forget that our acts of good will foster good just as our acts of hate foster more hate.

Elliott Maximo Collazo
July 10, 2017


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