Living With Intention

Sometimes my sister and I will joke around and say that we are as intentional as a bull in the bullfighting ring.  We get focused on that red cape and we honor every single movement without looking to the side.  That is the way that I would describe the way that I have lived for many years: with intention.

I intend to serve others, I intend to live in a clean and beautiful space, I intend to wear clothing that is breathable and in fabrics that are impeccable and I intend to live fully and with as much joy as I can imagine.  I know that for me the lack of intention is something of concern and that when I don't live intentionally I lose sight of what life really means.

When we live in intention we live in the now.  We can have the intention of doing something next week and that is fine but there is truly nothing more powerful than living in the intentional moment and time, focusing on what is happening now and living it fully with the purpose to enjoy it.  When we live in the now intention we live in that moment and time that matters, the only one we have and the only time we can alter our state of mind.

Intention is about having a purpose for what we do, no matter how small it is.  If we have the intention to bring joy to work then we just do.  We do this for the purpose of being in a space where we are joyful and where we show others that which is our deepest intention, to bring joy to the places we are at.

We don't have to intend to breathe.  In fact we rarely think about it because it comes natural.  We inhale and we exhale in auto pilot.  But deep breathing and intentional breathing is quite another matter.  When we want to truly become calmer we breath deep and with the intention to become more centered.  It is normal to breathe but breathing for the purpose of healing must be intentional.  Each and every day we must take the time to invite calmness into our hearts by breathing deeply, holding our breath and then exhaling completely and forcefully.  That is intentional breathing and the purpose is to become calm.

Without intention we can sit around simply keeping ourselves occupied with distractions.  It is easy to zone out and there is a time to do that, just not hours at a time and not day after day.  We zone out with acceptable soft core addictions like TV and FB.  We zone out by keeping busy doing something all the time.  Some of us suffer from this idea that we cannot be alone and with our thoughts yet that should be our intention at times when we should be alone with our thoughts.  If we hold the intention to press the pause button we do so with the intention to reboot.  That is something we should do frequently.

Intention is not the same as being mindful.  Mindful is when we are aware of something happening in our life while intention is when we are aware of a need and we intentionally seek to meet it when it is in our highest good.  Joy is intentional because we can choose to be joyful or not.  Active is an intention because we can sit around day after day eating bon bons and become so sedentary that we can barely get up.  Intention comes after a thought about what we would like to happen in the moment and we begin to do something specific to meet that need.

Do you live with intention?  It is likely that you are in some way and in others not as much.  Decide that you are going to live your life with intention.  Set that intention to wake up in gratitude and joy.  Set the intention to be a good listener or to be more graceful in your words and thoughts.  Know that your intention will drive you and guide you and that when the intention is to be sad and miserable you will be.  Intend to live life fully and in the moment or to make the world a better place.  Whatever you intend will become your purpose in life.  Do this every day and ask yourself: How can I live this day with a loving intention?

Coach Elliott Collazo


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