Being Latinos 4

I am sure that I am not the expert on being Latino yet I cannot help but know that I have lived in this body and I have discovered some sad facts about our society and how we claim to be liberal and yet the truth is that we are not.  Many of the people who live in this country and voted for Trump are not just Republicans but literally KKK members and White Supremacist.  We don't like to talk about these realities in our country because after all how could we have had a man like Trump make it into the White House when he has little to no credentials.  Yet in spite of it we are now dealing with a person who redefines arrogance and who openly says and does things that most of us would get into deep trouble for or actually be imprisoned.

This country is full of racism and discrimination of every kind but I want to specifically talk about how Latinos have been stereotyped and targeted,  many times being grouped as all Mexicans.  We who are Latinos come from many parts of the world and many of us are not Mexican all be it a wonderful group of people who have done some of the work no one else wants to do.  Latinos have often been treated as if all of us were here illegally and as if we are dumb.  The fact that many Latinos have college degrees and are successful business people seems to elude the people who insist that we are a problem that needs to get solved.  It is not only an insult it is a myth that has been made up by people who are either part of the priviledged class who deem themselves more important than others or ones who are delusional.  We are this country and I think that all Latinos must begin to rise up and defend our right to be here or anywhere we choose to be.

We are a growing population yet what I believe is that we are much too quiet and polite.  We tend to do our best not to cause any waves and we fear speaking Spanish never mind speaking our mind.  Nothing is sadder to me than the fact that there are millions of us in the US yet we are so poorly represented as a group of people.  While salsa dance has become all the rage many are ignoring the basic gifts that we offer to this world.  We can dance salsa but we don't want Latinos to be loud and make any demands.  We can learn Spanish but we don't like it when a group of Latinos speak their language in public.  Some may say times have changed but I for one know better.

I want to end this by sharing that the disrespect and minimization of our people has to end.  We must become more visible and clear about what is going on in this country and make sure that all people are really being treated with dignity as we claim to do.  As a Latino who loves himself and honors others I have to say: I am gravely concerned about my people, many of which are caving in to the system that only tolerates us but do not see us or value us.  If as Latinos we all ban together we can change our position in this country to one that is powerful and empowered.  We must stop seeing other Latino races as better or worse but in fact completely equal.  It has not served us to be quiet , polite or nice folks.  What will serve is is an evolution and rising up to the challenge that racism creates for us.  While love can conquer some things it is time to love ourselves and become real about how this government and some people mistreat us.

My opinions may offend some people yet I want to end this by stating: "I am not here to make friends, I am here to be a part of the solution.
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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