Dying and Living Forever

I believe that after out bodily death that our spirit lives forever unless we come back to live a second bodily life.  I would like to think that if I come back I will be so wealthy as to never be concerned about working a day in that life.  I also love the idea of living in spirit for eternity even more.  Some may say that this is a fantasy others of us have made up to make ourselves feel good about dying. Perhaps that is true yet for me I feel it to be a truth and if it turns out to be a lie I know I will be OK with it.  The way that I view it nothing gained nothing lost.

What we know is that we are here in body temporarily and that it ages and becomes so used as to break down, eventually asking us to separate from it.  For some it does not happen this way becasue of other causes of death but still when they die their spirit seperates from their body.  Basically it is when the body is worn or it no longer needs to be used that we seperate from it.  It is a natural evolving of the body.  I believe that then the spirit becomes whole and that it is the part of us that lives on.  It might be looked upon like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.  We too become butterflies.  There are spirits all around us and while many of us don't believe that many of us do because we feel those spirits, sometimes those of our passed loved ones.  Those spirits protect us and guide us while others may still be angry and act out in some form, hence the haunted homes where people have sighted examples of spirits roaming around in their home.  I am not sure if I might not be one of those spirits that want to stay in my beautiful home, so there is a part of me that gets it.

I am not asking that anyone believe what I believe in.  I am not asking that because I understand that many of us have been raised to believe in only that which we know and see.  My deep feeling is that we don't know a lot, hence my response to others when I catch myself saying "I don't really know much" but it does not stop me from believing in what I don't know.  There is much that we don't know about life and death, especially the latter.  There is a lot we don't see but that we feel.  I speculate that there is room for believing in the things we feel and cannot see, allowing our intuition to speak to us and guide us.  Many times this is exactly what happens inside of me when I am coaching someone, I call it co-creating because I work with the person and am guided by spirit.  I think we live a life of co-creating trusting that we are loved and mentored my a source greater than us, outside of us, whom we can call upon.  Until we take our last breath we can depend on one thing and that is that we are going to take a last breath.  Why not live a life that is filled the assurance that someday we will separate from the body into an endless life?

What would it be like to live forever in our body?  We have certainly pondered that idea and one of the ways we have thought about it is by coming up with ways we could stay young.  What a great idea if only it worked.  We do everything we can to look young and to look as though our body has stopped aging but try as we may we cannot do that.  The body is suppose to age and we are not meant to stay in the same body.  Our body wears like a rose that blooms and eventually wilts.  We may be able to look as though we are still young but inside the body we are still evolving as we are meant to evolve. Plastic surgery is wonderful for some and form many it is a way to feel good inside.  I understand it yet it seems to me that perhaps it is more natural to allow yourself to evolve and see the evidence of life and the marks of wisdom.  As long as we try to alter what is to be we are in a kind of denial about life and death.  We are not fully accepting that some day we will in fact become ready.  We place so much importance on how we look and we fail at embracing who we become: wiser, seasoned, softer, more humane.

My beloved friends we are going to live forever, just not in the body we are in.  The elements will take their toll on us and we will leave this body.  The good news is that our soul lives forever.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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