Better sleep

Ten Ways to Get Better Sleep

I am only sleep expert if I myself have had sleep issues and overcome them.  This week I will being a series that will start with the premise of how to get better sleep or how to get better sex or how to get more intimate and get in love.  Well, OK I may not be an expert in any of the other areas but I will give it the "old college try".

1.  Have a routine before going to bed like drinking a warm glass of milk or ingesting something like a warm tea with lemon.

2. Get the lighting in the room soothed out.  Make the room physically comforting.

3. Turn the outside world off like: phones and other devises: television

4.  Get serious about your goal to sleep all night and do so well, effortlessly and lovingly.

5. Talk yourself into sleeping and out of a chatter game.  Don't start to think about everything that ails you or your life or finances.  In fact don't go there.

6.  Put on some music on a timer or smooth sounds or nature sounds.  Get a sound machine at the airport mall.

7. Stay clear of deeper emotions since you cannot cry and sleep at the same time.  Don't go there.

8. Have your cuddly pj's or warm blanket on your body.  A feel good fabric could be cotton.

9. Take a non habit forming sleep aid if needed.

10.  No matter what muck your mind wants to run on you, stay in bed.

Repeat daily.  Coach Elliott


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