Ride the Wave

I am once again up at 3am having watched the movie with Bette Midler called "Then She Found Me" about a woman who was adopted met her biological mother.  I started to put in the movie "Too Wong Cho" which is  movie about three drag queens and their plight after being stranded in some "hick" town in the USA.  At one point in the movie they are stopped by the police and thought they'd accidentally killed him when he put his hand up one of their skirts.  It is really a movie about life and how difficult it is to either be different, be a woman and overcome what was depicted as a male dominant area much like many in the USA whether we'd like to think it or not.  It is a movie about me and about you and about every person you have ever known that has struggled with their identity at one time or another which is just about everyone.  Whether you are looking for your biological mother or she might be looking for you or whether you are gay or a woman being abused by a man in a town where people might turn their faces and shut their ears, we are more alike than different.  That is what I think I know while at the same time admitting that really I don't know anything for sure.

Each of us has our own struggle identifying who we are, what we want out of life or where we are headed or should be heading.  Many of us are still not sure even at the age of 35 or 60.  Even I who will be sixty am not sure of much of anything.  Life has thrown me a nice curb ball and now I know that I don't know shit.  There I said it.  Just like the girl in the movie who couldn't find it in her heart to forgive her biological mom for giving her away at first I too have a lot of forgiving to do.  It looks daunting but somehow I think I am going to see it more clearly some day.  And just like the drag queens in the movie I am about to see for the twenty forth time, I struggled with my identity for many years and still I am unsure as to who I am.  Maybe, just maybe it really doesn't matter.  Maybe if I ride the wave the boat will move.  Maybe just maybe.


  1. Papi your words are so moving. You have surely touched a subject that I am familiar with: Finding your identity. And how we are constantly on this QUEST. This may never happen until we meet our Creator.


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