If I were to write my cancer a letter It would go something like this:

Dear Cancer,
I know you are there because of your constant reminder.  You look at me with such eyes of starvation and of need.  I did not know you were so bold and I did not know you were so needy.  What might I ask is the lesson that you are trying to teach me?  Perhaps to be joyous in the face of the sting that follows me around and swells up at night in the form of tears?  I am unsure as to where you are going with this but I personally feel a bit irritated not knowing from one day to the next what new surprises you have for me and for my friend Dot and Katie.  Where are we all going and I was just wondering if we are all headed to the healing store or to the healing floor?  With all that said let me thank you for your presence because I can see you so clearly and I can hear the message so profoundly in the music, in the sunshine coming in to the family room and in my coffee.  I have always wondered about how I could predict what is next in the coffee grains like the indians predicted the rain in the running buffalo.  I think the thing that has me quite stunned is that I had no idea that you were so rough and exposed to the world like that.  I did not know you showed up on the outside where I could see you in all of your splendor.  Like a baby you are growing so rapidly as to make my life a child like experience where I depend on my instinct to breath and not forget that as long as I am breathing I am very much alive.  Oh, crazy stupid cancer must you continue to take a ride on my body?  I am feeling a little tired and just a bit more conformed to your demanding touch.  Be kind to me for God might have a plan for us to be divorced and I may have to go my way alone without you.  Oh crazy cancer it is time for you to make your own way.  I release you and I say thank you so very much for the lesson.
Love Max

For all of you who happen to read this letter go ahead and write your letter to what is ailing you and what is teaching you to breath and be aware.  Write a letter to God about the life you are living and the struggles inside of it.  Put your heart and soul into expressing what you need to say, what is on your mind, how you will fight the good fight and don't forget to ask her to send you a memo back.  Take the time to talk to Goddess and inspire her to be a part of who you are and where you are in you life whether it is a place of  joy or a place of sadness.  Dedicate some time to connect with spirit without the cancerous thoughts or with the pain in your gut you may be feeling in the moment.  Nothing that you are going through can be less important than what is going for others.  Each of us is a feeling.  Each of us can express it and even if no one is there in body to listen to us, God is.

Here is my loving plan today.  I will rest from the day of a long wake for grandpa yesterday that started at noon and ended at 10pm.  I will attend a celebration of life dinner with the family where I am sure people will talk about the jokes he told, the life he lived and the hours and years of love he shared. Each one will honor the other with a smile or a hug, some will stay in denial because they are not ready yet to let go.  Some will laugh and I bet one or two might shed a tear.  Like yesterday I will remain observant and allow spirit to use me for i know I am not there to integrate my feelings with theirs but rather to connect with whoever wants to or happens to share their story.  And since we all have a story that will be enough for me.

So today I challenge each of you to write to some entity, person, God or yourself about that one thing that feels like it's consuming you.  If nothing is consuming you write about he joyous feeling that you are having because nothing is consuming you.  If there is a person who needs to hear from you or you sense it then maybe consider writing to them and not sending it.  Connect with yourself, connect with God, connect with your body, connect with your mom or dad, but connect.  Take the time to honor yourself so that nothing will poison you so much that it will challenge you like cancer has me.  I am not complaining mind you but rather stating a fact.  Don't wait for something to happen to your body that will force you to pay attention but rather pay it homage now.  Love the spirit, nurture the body and dance now while your feet are saying yes.  Live in the moment like a bird lives in a tree and like a deer lives in the forest thinking of nothing in particular but living in the moment.

I want to thank you for reading this blog.  All your comments mean something to me so please go to the end of the blog and say what you need to say.  I would love to hear it.

In Light and Joy,


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