Dating Tips for Women

Even though many women know what to do and not do on a first date there are many who don't and some who could use a little review.  This is for the women who are starting to date again.  I hope it helps:

Show that feminine side:
Don't be afraid to show your feminine side.  Wear a tasteful black dress that flatters your body and if it is a dressy occasion rock those heels.  Keep it tasteful and know that showing your feminine side is empowering and nothing to be ashamed of.  Stand back and allow him to open the doors and pay the bill.  You deserve it.

Listen and talk very little:
Let a man talk and sit back and do some serious observations.  Talk as little as possible and be attentive so long as what he is sharing is respectful and does not offend you.  The more you allow him to talk the more he will reveal to you and the more clear you will be as to whether this is a man you would like to continue to date.

Don't tell it all:
It is a bad idea to share a lot of personal information on a date.  Keep it light and simple.  Men don't like to know about your past and they really dislike a woman who is constantly chattering like a little child.  No man wants to hear about your personal situations and past lives on a first date or a second one for that matter.  Save the deep information for a man you get to know better.

Make his question yours:
If a man asks you a question you deem inappropriate simply pause, look him in the eyes, smile and then ask him the same question in a normal tone.  In fact use a quiet voice as if to give him a hint as to it being something that is really much too private and personal a question on a first date.  If he does not get it then consider not giving him a second date.

Limit the time:
Don't leave the time element wide open.  Limit the duration of the date to about an hour or so.  Do no leave it open ended but rather intentionally set a time limit by closing with a comment that is both respectful and positive like: "this has been lovely, thank you" or "I have enjoyed this time with you and hope we can get together again soon" if you in fact would like to see him again.
Meet him there:

Don't talk about past relationships or work:
It is a big mistake to talk about past relationships with other men or work.  Both are subjects that will either scare a man or bore him.  Mentioning what you do for work is one thing but elaborating on job related things is a sure way to get a man to stop listening.   Work is work and you are on a date not an office meeting.

Stay positive:
Everything that you talk about should be positive.  A date is not the time to complain or say things that can be construed as negative.

Reserve your opinions:
Making an observation is OK although you may want to save it for a little further into a relationship.  Having an opinion about too many things is a clue to men that you are judgmental or potentially critical.  Keep you opinions to yourself and only share your belief about something in a way that is kind and appropriate.  I say that opinions are something that should be expressed once you know a person better.

No sex for at least 90 days:
Do not have sex too soon and wait for at least ninety days.  Having sex sooner than that is sending the wrong message.  No matter how equal women think they are, men still measure them with a different ruler, one that judges women for being "too easy".

Whether you are 20 or 50 remember that everyone respects a lady and that being a lady is empowering.


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