What Happens When We Gossip

Most of us have gossiped at one time or another.  After all who can pass up a chance to talk about someone else as if their life was so much worse than our own?  We are human beings who sometimes feel a need to make others wrong and to criticize people that simply rub us the wrong way.  We may or may not know that person we are gossiping about but that matters not to us when we are looking to find some form of gratification around what we are not happy about in our own life.  What we fail to understand and realize is that gossip creates an energy in our life that is truly damaging.  Here are some ways that gossip effects us and others:

It hurts others who eventually will hear about it: 
Gossip for one is hurtful and when people hear about it they are offended and sometimes get quite upset and even angry.  What happens most times is that the gossip gets back to the person you talked about and does so via the person you told who in turn told someone and then that someone told someone who tells the person you talked about.  By the time it gets to the original person it has been blown out of proportion.  Gossip is hurtful and we must always put ourselves in the shoes of others when we start to spread hurtful information based on our opinion or experiences with others.

It gets passed on but not accurately: 
Eventually someone who is upset with you will one day share what you said about the other person.  When they do they will likely add things to the story you told them, making certain that it has an even bigger impact and tailoring to their own interpretation of what you said, adding negative opinions to what you gossiped about.  When it gets back to the person you talked about you will eventually feel a backlash either directly or indirectly.  The fact remains that gossip is usually passed on but not the way you said it or intended it.  If you have an issue with someone you should be a mature adult and address the person in persona.

It is bad for our own karma: 
If anything gossip creates a bad energy around us and in our own lives.  When we talk about others we are really talking about ourselves because we are interconnected.  We cannot seperate our energy from others because we are a collective energy and a collective spirit.  When we talk about others in a negative manner or disclose information that someone trusted us with we are creating a bad energy for ourselves.  Keep this in mind the next time you are tempted to gossip.

It is really about what we don't like in ourselves: 
Most times when we are cracking on someone else it is something about us and our own insecurities more than it is about them.  People who gossip do not like themselves enough to maintain a positive aura around them.  They create a situation that is negative because they feel negative about their own life and their own circumstances.  Taking a look at yourself and your own life when you are motivated to gossip is the first step to stopping yourself from participating in this negative behavior.  In the end it is not about the person you are tempted to put down but about your feelings of who you are.

It is passive aggressive behavior: 
Passive aggressive behavior is one of the main motivations to gossip because we are upset with someone and we don't want to face them and tell the truth.  Instead we talk about them behind their back or tell others about the issue we have had with this person who we are gossiping about instead of talking to them about our feelings.  We may think that we are legitimately doing something that another person deserves when in fact no matter what the situatation we should openly and honestly bring up the issue with the person we have an issue with.  It will not do any good to be passive and talk behind someone's back and in the long run will cause more problems between you.  Finding a way to share something with someone else is the best way to address any feelings of anger or resentment before it turns into gossip.

People who you tell will wonder about your character (the kind of person you are):
When you talk about a person to another person that person of which you are sharing the gossip with will wonder if when you get mad at them you will also share their intimate secrets or gossip about them next.  It will turn some people off so much that they will begin to stay away from you because at the very least it feels uncomfortable for them to be around you when you gossip.

There you have it.  Do as you deem it with this information but remember one thing about life: "What comes around goes around".

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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