Finding Your Match-That Soulmate

I would love to say that Internet dating works but what I suspect is that desperate people find other desperate people and that most of the time it is not a good match.  After all how could it be that one would find a soulmate on line of all places?  I guess some would say they have while others settle for who they find rather than wait and see what happens organically.  Yet what I would promote would be just that, allowing your life to unfold naturally the way that it is suppose to be and allowing that special person to be called to your life the way that it is suppose to happen.  I know what you are all thinking right now and I don't blame you.  The Internet is after all part of the modern world so why not use it to find a special person to spend your life with?  My challenge is for those of you who would rather allow your own power to propel you into a relationship that is meant for you and now one with a person who randomly picks you or you pick that person almost as if out of a line up.  The fact is that anyone can be on a dating sight and there have been numerous bad experiences by many who we don't hear about.  Although this may be an option for some I want to encourage some basic truths about love and relationships.

If you know what you want you will likely end up with a person you should be with: 
The very first thing to do is to make a list of the kinds of important characteristics you want in a partner.  When you know exactly what you want you won't settle for a copy or anything less.

If you are invested in living your life with joy and heart you will attract joy and love organically: 
Make a mental note of the kind of person you are and whether you are living with all your heart and doing what makes you happy.  If that is not one hundred percent true then begin some deep self-work.  You will only attract the right person for you if you are the right person for you.  When you are in a joyful life you will attract joyful people including that special someone:

The best thing to do is to wait and while you are waiting have a lot of fun: 
Be patient and wait as long as you need to.  Don't force it and just enjoy your life while you are waiting for that person who is a good fit with you.  Notice I did not say "for you" but rather "with you".  An equal who will come along when you least expect it.

When we are not frantically looking  with desperation someone can more readily find us: 
People can smell desperation and it's not attractive.  People are not attracted to people who are needy and want things fast.  Don't look for him or her, just live your life and do so fully.

When you clear the emotional path someone will be able to find you: 
When we are in need of emotional healing we should not be looking for love because we will find it in all the wrong people and all the wrong places.  Fix yourself by getting the support you need and doing the work you need to do to become more connected with yourself and others around you.  Once you heal your emotional self and the path of hurts and disappointments you will attract someone healthy and kind.

Be an active part of life and in doing so you will meet many candidates: 
Getting involved in many types of activities will expose you to many types of people. Be actively involved in life and eventually you will meet someone just because you are out there having a good time of it.  Do some volunteer work, join a sports team, travel the world and keep a smile on your face.  Being an active participant of life is all that matters whether you meet someone or not.

Have pride in yourself and do what you need to do to be your very best self: someone will notice: 
Maintain yourself and your physical and emotional being.  Look the best you can look and take pride in yourself.  No one wants to be with someone who does not care for themselves.  Be your optimal self in every way.  Pull out the stops.

Be Ok with being single and happy for any duration of time: 
Tell yourself that you are OK alone and that you don't have to have someone to be complete.  Be OK with being single and alone.  Enjoy your own company in the meantime and don't freak out or ever think that being single is a bad thing.   Being with someone is the cherry on top of life not the actual ice cream.


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