Making Sacred Agreements

In life we are constantly making agreements with our self and others.  We make agreements to be honest and tell the truth.  We make agreements to show up for others.  We make all types of agreements that we don't speak aloud and that we assume others know of like that we will care for them if they become ill.  Today I would like to ask everyone to look at the agreements you make and to write them and share them with others you love, for it is those sacred agreements that will propel you to a higher level of living and a more complete relationship with those you love.  The agreements that you make are important for you to know but it is even more important that others know as well.

We make agreements all of our life and what I want to encourage is that we make them clear by verbalizing them and writing them down, especially in times of struggle.  We tend to naturally fall into an agreement to become angry when someone upsets us but I would like us all to consider making agreements with ourselves that are healthy ones and ones that will contribute to our higher vibration.  By making agreements we begin to understand what is truly important in our lives and we make it clear in our own minds.  Taking the time to write down your agreements with yourself will help you to live a life that is intentional and has more purpose.

You may have an agreement to be healthier and to do the things that will help you to meet that sacred agreement with yourself.  You may have an agreement to be more compassionate in response to your partner because at one time he or she let you know that there is a need for more understanding and a more caring response to their needs.  Whether you are the person on the receiving end or the giving side agreements help us to stay focused on what is important to us and what will bring us peace and love.  Agreeing to love yourself more by doing one thing a day that is nurturing and self-loving is the kind of agreement that means something to you.  Getting your loved one to agree to use loving language with you at all times is another agreement and the only difference is that this is one that you request of another person.

Listening to what people you love have to say is an essential part of creating agreements that honor others and sharing what you want from others will result in your agreements being honored.  There are two important things to note here: the agreements you make to yourself and the agreements that you ask of others in relationships.  In turn the people who love you can ask you to honor them and abide by an agreement.  These agreements can be to always speak to them in a loving tone or to acknowledge them with flowers.  Even if an agreement seems minor to you always keep in mind that it is important to someone you love and hence it should be important to you.

We cannot meet others needs if we cannot meet our own.  Making a commitment to someone to nurture them when they need it is almost impossible if you don't know how to do that for yourself.  People who struggle with self-love also struggle with loving others and often times find it a burden to love someone else or show up for them.  This is why the very first agreement that you make should be to love yourself, nurture yourself, honor yourself and be kind to yourself.  In this way you will be able to acknowledge, love, honor, nurture and connect with others whether it be your spouse, children,  friends or family members.

So here is what I would like to invite all of you to do:
1. Write down your agreements to yourself.
Example: I agree to nurture myself by doing things that are loving and kind for myself.
2. If you are in a relationship with a spouse or significant other ask him or her to write their agreements to themselves.  Share them with one another.
3. Determine if each of you has honored each other's agreements and if not agree to do that from now on.  If there are any agreements that you would like to ask of your partner now is the time to ask if they would agree to them.
4. Check in with each other in two weeks to determine whether each of you met one anothers agreements.
5. Check in with yourself and see if you have met your agreements.  Ask yourself why you did not meet some of them and devise a plan that will help you to meet those self-loving agreements.
6. Live with intention and purpose knowing that the agreements that you make are in fact sacred and important, especially the ones you make to yourself.


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