The Most Horrible Things

 For most of us milk is one of those things we were raised on and made to believe was super good for us and the strength of our bones.  Even today parents continue to feed their children milk and add it to things like cereal for morning breakfast.  We sincerely have bought into the notion that milk is the route to strong bones, but if you notice we have not been getting fed that line anymore.  It seems that over time doctors have researched milk, sugar and meat and many have come to the truth which is that all three are acutely bad for us.  

In today's blog I will share the information I learned when I was trained at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego for a few months by experts in the field of nutrition and even a doctor who was as witty as he was honest.  

Here's what I learned about:

A: Sugar: 

B: Milk: 

C: Meat: 

Sugar is in fact very addictive to many.  As we know it is the main cause of diabetes but this is only one of the issues that sugar causes.  Sugar has been linked by experts to cancer and on top of it causing cancer sugar feeds the cancer of people who have the unfortunate desease inside of them.  By simply consuming sugar we are feeding cancer and by eliminating it we can help reduce the risk substantially.  Sugar has been in fact the subject of documentaries warning us all of the damage that it does to our body and the fatal results sugar has on the body.  By eliminating sugar as one of the causes of diabetes people have along with a diet eliminated the desease from their body.  Sugar is a killer and there is really no disputing it.  

Milk was meant for cows to feed their babies.  Milk was not ever intended for human consumption and if we drank it in it's raw form would would get very ill and eventually die.  Even though this makes perfect sense we are still feeding our babies cow's milk when there are great alternatives for building muscle and strong bones in human beings.  We are using milk in many of the foods we eat in addition to serving it up as if it were holy water from a sacred cow.  The fact is that it is not good for us hence almond milk and more suitable alternatives being brought to the forefront and the counters of our grocery stores that are more dedicated to healthy alternatives.  

Meat has been long thought to cause cancer.  When we look at the length of time it takes to digest meat and how it often times spoils inside of our body we can more readily understand why it could make us very sick.  In addition to meat being physically bad for us some of us, namely me, believe that we consume fear, anger, anxiety and sadness because of the way animals are killed and treated in order to produce more of themselves for us to eat,  including antibiotics.  The filth that chickens are often times raised in make them an animal that we should not be eating.  Yet we are still making humans believe that meat is the only good source of protein.  The reality is that meat is a good source of sickness namely cancer.  One need only do a bit of research to understand that cultures who don't eat very much or any meat are virtually cancer free.  

For me sharing this with all of you feels like an honor but more than that a responsibility as a human being and a goddess energy.  I cannot sleep well if I am not sharing something of value with others and serving others in the best way I can.  We have been getting fed a lot of BS about certain foods and ingredients that taste great and that are in fact deadly to us often times.  We are seeing people dying left and right because what they believe is good for them is in fact far from good.  I want to invite all of you to do your research and to truly understand the motivation of people who sell these products really is.  Sugar is an addictive substance and we easily get caught up in consuming more of it because it is so falsely gratifying.  When we tell the truth about foods we are really saving lives.  But that is not such a good thing for doctors and hospitals who are not just making some money but raking thousands if not millions in the name of helping us to be healthy.  In fact the medical field is filled with opportunities to make a lot of money on drugs and treatments that do not work.  

Enough said.  


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