He's Not That Into You When ...

Women often ask me how they will know if a man is into them or not.  Some women more recently seem more and more interested in men like me who are gentlemen.  But when a man is not that into you there will be clues and cues.  Although many women are able to figure out if a man is into her or not, there are still many young women who do not see the flags, even though it is waving furiously, red and on fire.  So for those lovely women here are some indicators that a man is "really not that into you":

He calls you at one in the morning for a randevou:
When a man calls you after midnight and asks to see you that is what we commonality call, yes, a "buttie call".  It is not a complement and and you don't want to answer the phone least of all go to his place at that time of the night.  A man who does this is not into who you are but what you are and are hoping to continue to score with you while pursuing other women during the work hours, when it is, yes, daylight.  There is really not much else to say is there?

He doesn't come with flowers (and I dont' mean as an accessory)
When a man does not bring you flowers or at the very least single rose (like in the bachelor show), they are not going out of their way to make you think you are special and are not about that.  Men who repeated go out on a date with you and do not bring flowers are probably not as into you as you deserve.  Men who like a woman and respect her will show her some form of romance.  If he hasn't then run, run, run, for your life.

He does not call you for two weeks:
If a man goes on a date with you and does not call you in two weeks, rip, burn, bury and spread his number and any likeness of him.  Men do not wait that long to call a girl they are genuinely interested in.  In fact more than three days of waiting should be at least a yellow flag that he is not feeling you.  Get the hint and make room for someone who is interested in you.

He does not introduce you to his friends:
Men don't introduce their girlfriends with benefits to their good friends.  In fact they keep them far away and will tell their friends all about you.  You will however know nothing of his friends because he is making sure to keep it that way.  OBviously he does not think you are important enough, attractive enough or nice enough for his people.  Men who keep you from their freinds are sending you a message that is loud and clear: "I am not that into you".

He's not smiling:
It is not a good sign when men are too severe and serious and do not smile.  These are the men who won't smile because they don't want you to get the wrong impression, like that they are into you.  In fact the lack of a smile should tell you that if you can't help put a smile on his face then he is not looking at you "that way".  The other way, yes, but not that way.  Get it?

He doesn't wine and dine you:  
Men do not spend money if they are not inspired by you or think that you are worth the cost of a dinner date at a find dining establishment.  If a man is not at least trying to wine and dine you forget you met them.  Besides, there is nothing worse than a cheap ass man.

He's not in hot pursuit: (He should be right behind you) 
When I say hot pursuit I mean that guy is almost chasing you down.  If a guy digs on you that much he will make absolutely sure you know it.  That means he is not going to hold back his feelings and is maybe a little bonkers over you but not in a stalker way.  When men like you they will let you know it and if you have not gotten the memo he is likely going to make it clear when he never writes it and you never receive it.  NLMAO-not laughing my ass off.  Men who are looking to make you more than an item in their life will be happy to put it in writing.

Knowing the signs that tell you that a man is not that into you is not enough.  Using every part of your intuition is what will help you to avoid men that are just shopping for a cheap t-shirt.  It is good to know that men who are not initially romantic will not suddenly become romantic for you some day donw the road when you are tired of waiting.  Men who mean it will let you know it in many ways so that it will be crystal clear.  If for some reason you get it wrong and walk too soon, don't worry he will call you.


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