Does Evil Elicit Evil?

It would be terrible if every time someone did something bad to someone, that person would turn around and do something just as bad or worse, either towards the perpetrator or someone else.  It has become all too real that the evil acts of others has in fact driven other's decisions to do evil acts.  On top of this we have all know of all too many situations that have ended in the death of another person.  We don't often want to think about this least of all talk openly about it, but the cause of such  actions is often times how people take things and many times it is when people take things personal.

It is obvious that evil does not always elicit evil as a response.  In fact most of the time when people say or do hurtful things the recipients walk away, ending the relationship with the person who is hurtful or mean to them.  Others take it personally and even the smallest of infractions elicits more evil and this is when things go from bad to worse.  It is when we take things personally and to heart, not knowing who we really are that we lash back.  When we know ourselves and stick to the good person that we are that we can simply not take things that others think personally or have a need to act out in a negative way.

Knowing when to leave a relationship is one of the key elements of living a life free of bad behavior from those that say they love us.  It does not matter who that person is: mother, father, sister, friend or spouse.  What we must always keep in mind it that abuse of any kind is not acceptable and know to walk away from it before it tarnishes our life and results in something we would not be proud to be associated with.  Evil does not elicit evil when we know in our hearts that it is time to move on and have the courage to do that and get the help and support we need.

Yes there are some people in the world who end up doing things that shock others in response to someone doing something to them that is cruel and sometimes horrific.  For a woman who has been violated getting back at the man who assaulted her seems logical yet not all women respond the same way.  Unfortunately the evil acts of others have resulted in some sad and even drastic results yet there are more people who find it in their mind and heart to separate the behavior from the person and are willing to allow justice to happen through legal means.  While there may be other who take justice into their own hands, allowing evil behavior to create an evil response, most of us understand that love is really more about ourselves than anyone else and their intention to hurt us.

Evil doesn't beget evil and that is the good news.  On the other hand love is the answer and hate is toxic and has the power to make us sick.  When we hate it is "like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die".  It is not always easy to live a life of kindness, serenity, peace and joy given the outer sources, especially the ones we believe love us that turn out not to honor us.  At the very core of our own peace and love is the degree of how much we love ourselves and loving ourselves asks us to respect ourselves and ask that others do the same, never accepting anything less.


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