Running From Love

I believe that most of the people who cannot seem to fall in love are without knowing it running from love.  Some years ago I coached a woman who had been single most of her adult life and was now in her forties.  She wanted to understand why she was not attracting a man and why she was not yet in love with anyone.  What we determined though our sacred work was that she was absructing love and  that instead of meeting love she was running from it, specifically from the first person she needed to love, herself.  Eventually she fell in love and in the course of it realized that the person she needed to love the most was herself.

As many times as we have heard it before falling in love does require that we love ourselves.  When we love ourselves, accept our flaws and work on becoming the best person we can possibly be we can then fall in love with someone else.  When we understand that we are valuable and that we matter we can then become open to the possibility of someone loving us.  We are so accustomed to believing in this false notion that someone can love us to a place of love, yet what we truly know is that this is a lie and that love cannot ever be contingent on someone or something outside ourselves.

We spend a lot of our lives looking for love or running from it.  Neither one is quite the right response to bringing love to life.  It is only when we live our life in the highest vibration possible that we can know the truth about love like that love is temporary most of the time and that it will eventually end.  Love is not something we get to have and own as if it were an object yet this is one of the ways we falsely approach love.  Love is what is and love is in the moment.  Love cannot be forced and as we now love cannot be bought because it does not have a price, it is in fact free.  Looking for love is wrong and every modern invention to find it: the Internet, the bachelor show or any other program that brings people together is working against what is suppose to happen when it is meant to happen. Running from love is not the answer and running towards love is not either.

Whenever people decide to allow love to come to them it either happens or it does not.  Yet if it is meant to be it will happen and perhaps that is all we need to know.  That love is neither something to be in fear of or something we will get by finding the "right" person.  That love will happen in a way that is organic, honest and clear after we know who we are and love that person we believe is worthy of love all by ourselves.


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